Our Mini 425 Ocean

thanks alpine.
I cant wait to get back and get inot the groove again. your indoor reef pons sounds very interesting. Your 75 pics were very nice to say the least.. Drop me a line to your new pond when you get going..
I actually am going to update the pond thing,had to put it on hold until our lease is up .Cant wait to get our own houseThe last place we lived in was on a slab.The new place is on pillars.I just dont feel comfortable putting that much weight on the house.I am however going to setup a 4 tank prop system,so that I can start to aquire,corals and giving them time to grow.I figure by the time we move into our own place next year,I can have some nice colonies and a large assortment of corals.

As soon as I get everything for the prop system I plan on starting a build thread in the coral prop forum.Hey Eric how far is Palm Bay from Jacksonville?

That is a great idea. Like you said you will be able to transfer some nice corals to your new tank. As soon as I can aquire some corals I want to start populating my 150. I just want to get a calcium reactor. maybe I will just do the 2 part. You know everything adds up quick

It is about 3 hour drive.
It looks really good! I also like the location a lot, I think once it's all done it will give you a beautiful view of your tank in a nice relaxing atmosphere. Def jealous of the FL living!

Tagging along for sure!
Thanks Nano Girl.. I guess I got a little jump start on you.

Thanks Michika.. I hope to get busy when I get back. I started making a list and it got pretty big. But thats the fun part.
Hey Eric
Yeah those lists do add up real quick,to be honest I need to make a list and maybe a diagram of what I want to do.I have it in my head,but on paper would make it easier to remember the little things.

No need to be jealous of the FL. living.Its really hot and extremely humid down here.Its probaly worser further down south of me.I do know that it was 98degrees today and the humidity was 49%.It felt like you couldnt even breathe it was so hot outside.
Yeah list always help me. I always seam to forget something. A list always gives me the time to make things the way I want.

CAUTION!!!! I am sure everyone here can relate. I started a list of cost and what I spent already and stopped quick. HOLY MOLY... WOW it adds up quick!!!!!Scary I could have bought another sports car or something..Been that route too many time figured I'd try something new. I am just ignoring the fact of the overall cost.....


Look forward to your progress..
Lists always work wonders for me too.

When I added up the initial costs of my 230g setup, I balked. Then I realized how much enjoyment I would get out of it, and I also remembered, that my tank hasn't yet cost me more then my education, so its still justifiable!

I really love in in-wall design. Have you given a thought as to how you'll be laying out your equipment room?
Wow, looks awesome. The cool thing about an inwall, is you do not have to make some pretty little stand, lol. You just have to build a wall instead. . . hahaha. Looks great man
Yea, we started keeping a cost chart too of how much everything cost us and it got depressing really fast! Bye bye chart!! *waves*
I have made numerous drawings. I have an old power point that I made and will see if I can upload it.

True I don’t have to worry about a stand, but that is only one side of the wall. The other side I may wind up doing with cabinets to make something to match the rest of the new office furniture. Not sure yet I have some basic drawings for the new desk, book shelf, and storage on the other side of the room. I am still deciding if I want a motorized light rack. I don’t think I will, got a save some money for fish, and the wooden floors.

Yeah, the list was deleted of my laptop real fast!!!

My fiancé flew up to Cali to spend the weekend with me and we went to San Francisco. I stopped by a little aquarium at pier 39. Nothing special but nice. Here are a couple pics.




Here is a skimmer they had. I have seen bigger on some of tanks on RC. Hahahhah




Here is a skimmer they had. I have seen bigger on some of tanks on RC. Hahahhah

Only put in the final
Here you go =) Looks like a fun place to check out!




Here is a skimmer they had. I have seen bigger on some of tanks on RC. Hahahhah

hey erics3000 just saw your thread and i do have to say that everything looks great so far i know i need to get some new picsposted of mine for ya because it is now sitting in its new PERMANANT home.lol. cant wait to see more progress on yours