Overflow question


New member
I have a couple of questions about my flow rate.
I have a 180 AGA with two corner overflows.
I am going to use an iwaki 100 pump for the return through a 90 gallon sump.
My question is I know that if I use 2 of the holes in the overflow I get about 1200 GPH, If I used all 4 what would it be?

Also I am unable to find anyone to drill my tank for a closed loop, I was thinking if I added a overflow box(like the CPR 1600gph) to the tank could I add that to the sump and then just direct more of my return from the Iwaki to the tank, do they work?

I hope this makes sense, Im just trying to get more flow through the tank without adding powerheads in the main display.
Hi,the overflows on the tank are governed by the linear length of the actual weir part of the overflow,rather than the pipe size/number of holes.There is a flow rate calc on the Reefcentral home page,that will help.You just need to measure length of overflows & type in the numbers.Also if you haven't taken this into account,just realize that the more flow you push through the sump,then the more chance you have of introducing microbubbles into the main display.It is possible to make a closed loop,by going up & over the back of the tank-basically a hard plumbed U tube.The return pump is located below this U tube & the returns can go over the sides/back of the tank.Do a search for Melevs reef,as he has a build thread of what I'm badly trying to describe.HTH
I was was wondering about the melev reef one. Someone said that if the power went out it will beak the siphon on the pump and burn it up. What do you guys think?
I have a 210 and I use all my 4 as drains with no pvc running up. I have a Barracuda as my supply pump to basically a close loop at the top. It has alot of flow through out the tank and it also pushes my etss800 skimmer.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11978438#post11978438 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by dguest98
I was was wondering about the melev reef one. Someone said that if the power went out it will beak the siphon on the pump and burn it up. What do you guys think?
So long as the pump is mounted lower than the input tube,then the siphon won't break in the case of a power loss.I ran this style loop for a couple of years & never had a problem with loss of siphon. The only reason I really changed is because I wanted to use a wavemaker to get more random flow.It may still be worth considering at some point,HTH.