overflow suggestions please...


New member
i just bought a used 192g plexi tank and it doesn't have a bulit-in overflow. i am thingking of using 2 1" bulkheads for my overflow to get a clean look instead of having a regular overflow box that hangs on the back of the tank. is their really a difference on having a overflow box compared to a bulkhead/drain? can you guys pls post some pics of your diy bulkhead/drain so i can have an idea on how to do it. suggestions are welcome also. thanks
Not to be really rude but go to the Do it yourself section towards the top of the community board. There is alot of info and tons of people who mod and diy their tanks and supplies. D
I agree with D659600, this is the LARGE Reef Tank forum, not the build a tank forum.
I find the reefers here EXTREMELY helpful.
thanks, no offense taken :D. i just thought that since am starting a 192 reef that people here can help me out. thats all

(I agree with D659600, this is the LARGE Reef Tank forum, not the build a tank forum.
I find the reefers here EXTREMELY helpful.) don't forget rude and sarcastic!