Owners Thread: Innovative Marine Fusion 40

Hi guys! As I was cleaning or removing a shot glass (mandarin training 101) out from my sand bed, I noticed that the bed is a bit sticky. Its not sandy/grainy anymore, Well some parts. Anyone know what this is from?
Is it cyano? Should I be concerned?
Sticky or snotty? Snotty is cyano. Really disgusting stuff. Try picking some up. If it slides around and gets stringy like mucous, it's cyano. Sorry for the gross analogy, but I'm getting over an URI at the moment...so I can relate.

Get more circ on bed to break it up. Or manually remove it.
It's always there, but can get out of hand quickly under ideal conditions.

Hi guys! As I was cleaning or removing a shot glass (mandarin training 101) out from my sand bed, I noticed that the bed is a bit sticky. Its not sandy/grainy anymore, Well some parts. Anyone know what this is from?
Is it cyano? Should I be concerned?
Nope not mucus, it's like clumpy..I'll try to get more circulation. I currently have my pumps on both sides of the tank, and they are facing upwards. I hate when the sand is stirred up lol
I'm guessing it's still cyano at an early stage. It will clump before it gets stringy. Usually just on the surface only. If you stir it up it will usually break up a little then settle back down in clumps or balls.
Cool, I was just watching the video with the mandarin. My sand isn't that "green" anymore. I've cut back on lighting...I may even cut it off for a couple of days.

Anyone thinking about getting a mandarin? Thoughts on the video? Questions?

I'll be glad to help
Cool, I was just watching the video with the mandarin. My sand isn't that "green" anymore. I've cut back on lighting...I may even cut it off for a couple of days.

Anyone thinking about getting a mandarin? Thoughts on the video? Questions?

I'll be glad to help

We had a mandarin. It was slaughtered by our mean old skunk shrimp. Who was then rehomed due to his propensity to attack other slower critters. He's now in a friends fwlr tank due to his coral eating habit
The mandarin was a pod eater. We went through similar trials like you but we're never successful. So I bought and stocked pods. Lots and lots of pods...I still have them...lots and lots of pods...someday we will try again....
The video is cool. I keep wanting to do one of our blennie. Someday...

Delay in new tank. It will arrive Wednesday now. Swell....I'm already off that day!
Not really. Not looking forward to getting it in the house and up on the stand.
Once that happens it will be exciting...race the clock to get it filled and running while my reef sits in Rubbermaid tubs...now that's exciting...
If my plan works it shouldn't be very stressful at all...if it doesn't...I'd rather not think of the consequences...

I'll try to capture the good or bad moments and post in my blog...

Hopefully that is the last delay of the tank.. I bet you are getting excited.

Looking forward to seeing some pics
Reef Cleaners' Clean-Up Crew

Reef Cleaners' Clean-Up Crew

Got a clean-up crew today from Reef Cleaners and was extremely pleased! I ordered them way late Wednesday night and John shot me a personal e-mail to let me know he had received the order and would be shipping out the next day. The box arrived today very well packed. TONS of snails. And using the $5 coupon code on his site, I essentially got a free serpent starfish. Everything looked healthy upon arrival. Curious to see how hungry they were when the lights come on in the morning!
Got a clean-up crew today from Reef Cleaners and was extremely pleased! I ordered them way late Wednesday night and John shot me a personal e-mail to let me know he had received the order and would be shipping out the next day. The box arrived today very well packed. TONS of snails. And using the $5 coupon code on his site, I essentially got a free serpent starfish. Everything looked healthy upon arrival. Curious to see how hungry they were when the lights come on in the morning!

Johns a good guy. Exceptional customer service. He always sends more than what you pay for too.
I've seen some go right to work but usually they bury themselves in the sand for a day or two...
Just watch for no movement. If they don't move in a couple days, get them out. Unless you have some crustaceans cruising...they'll clean the shells for you.
Just watch for no movement. If they don't move in a couple days, get them out. Unless you have some crustaceans cruising...they'll clean the shells for you.

So far so good. There's one Florida Cerith that is questionable, but everybody else has definitely moved since being placed in the tank. I drained all the water out of their shipping bags, cut the bag for a wide opening, and then placed each group on the sand in its own little section in hopes of being able to see if any didn't make the trip. The Nerites seem to be flocking toward the overflow weirs. I'm fine if they want to hang out on the perimeter, but if they start blocking the overflow, we're going to have to have a talk...

What kind of shrimp would you recommend? I understand that the different species can have radically different personalities and feeding habits. My wife REALLY wants a shrimp, but I'd prefer to get one that isn't going to eat the other critters in the tank until they're ready to be eaten (like a dead snail).

The serpent starfish did a heck of a job hiding himself overnight. No sign of him anywhere (including the floor).
Shrimp are a crapshoot. Either they are good citizens or bad. I like the peppermints for their cleaning ability. But there are delinquents sometimes. Introduce them and watch them closely for undesired activity. We have a bonded pair. They stay to themselves most of the time. But they do come out for food and will think nothing of stealing a hunk of reef frenzy and running under the rock with it not to be seen for hours.
Also harlequin are very cool, but will make short work of your new star.
I'd say go shopping and get what you like. Then watch closely and be prepared to rehome it if it's not working out.
Well it finally came in and I got it installed.. TBH I love the look a ton..

Just need to alter my fan mount a bit so it fits.

It is the T5 + LED Hybrid module.. And I thought the Radion was expensive...


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Well it finally came in and I got it installed.. TBH I love the look a ton..

Just need to alter my fan mount a bit so it fits.

It is the T5 + LED Hybrid module.. And I thought the Radion was expensive...

I see a lot of sps in your future!
I see a lot of sps in your future!
I should be able to grow anything in this "Frankentank". After only a few more hours, I'm seeing a lot more PE, that and some of the corals that had shaded areas are showing coloration now in the previous shaded areas. I may change out one of the coral+ bulbs for a purple plus or actinic. Want to get a little deeper coloration.
Well... the snails are doing their jobs. But I think I still need to do a "Reduck Reboot" and go lights-out for three days to get some of this cyano and algae backed down.

Thanks for the info on the shrimp, too. I'm going to ship the kids up to Bizacon next weekend for babysitting so we can go together and pick out "her" peppermint shrimp.
Ha..I am the guy that wants that to happen. Last year, we were on one of the new ship that replaced the Costa Concordia, in Brasil. I did not tell my wife until we were on the ship that it was the same cruise line and a new ship :).......so mean

I wonder if that's what my fish think Nutrient Transport Mode feels like at 85% power.