Ok last question (for today).
Eventually I am planning on doing a mixed reef with a good amount of stony acro and monti once the tank has been up for a few months. The LPS corals will go in earlier since some of them are from my current biocube 14. But once tank has stabilized I want to add a good amount of SPS.
Now my question is a common one, Kalk vs 2 Part.. Should I start putting Kalk in ATO water for now and eventually switch to an automatic two part dosing once demand is high enough. Or should I just skip the kalk altogether and go straight to a automatic two part dosing? Looking at either the Jebao doser or the Neptune DOS pump.
So first thing before you consider dosing - do you need it and how much do you need?
Only way to answer this question is, testing, testing, testing.
Just adding kalk or two part for the sake of adding it is a waste of $ and time if your tank isn't consuming it.
I would suggest this: Test your water the day after a water change. Then test it every day after for a week or two (or every other day for 2 weeks). Plot your Alk, Ca, and Mag levels. See how much the tank is consuming.
Start by bringing these levels back to where they were right after the WC using 2 part. Again, test, test, test. See how much the tank consumes.
Apply these results to a dosing schedule and then follow it, and test every few days to make sure the levels stay where they should.
Kalk is cheap and easy. But dosing it via the ato is ugly. It creates a ph spike every time it tops up. Also, ato pumps are notoriously unreliable. Last thing you want is to dump a 2g tank of saturated kalk into your DT, like Biz had happen.
I'd suggest you prove to yourself you need to dose first, then if you do, do it via a dosing system. Those pumps are very reliable and deadly accurate. You can control them via probes etc so they don't or can't over dose.
Lastly, get good test kits for these tests. You need to be comfortable and confident with the results. And you'll be using them a lot at first. I've been through I don't know how many reagent kits for my Hannas since I got into dosing. I am still testing Alk EVERY day. Ca every other day.
Biz, thats a lovely shot of the harbour....have a good night!