Owners Thread: Innovative Marine Fusion 40

For the AquaMaxx HOB-1, how far does the back of the tank need to be away from the wall to fit the skimmer? Cause if I decide to get one, I don't want to have to drain the tank just to move the stand to fit it.

I believe it was 2.5 inches away from wall. I set mine up with that distance incase I wanted to do it. Just Remember that it will not hide like the ghost and 9004
Hey guys! Noticed I got some coats of green appear on my live rock. Guess its cycling properly :)

Couple questions for you guys:
1) Which camber did you fit the IM Ghost protein Skimmer? Right now its in the second (2nd)
2) how far down is it? Right now its level to the glass chamber
2a) Noticing those mirco bubbles, is it from the protein skimmer???
3) Whats the level of your water? I kind of want the main tank almost to the mesh screen, and the sump only filled around the glass compartments. I think someone used sponges to create a stoppage from the main tank, Did anyone use that?
Hey guys! Noticed I got some coats of green appear on my live rock. Guess its cycling properly :)

Couple questions for you guys:
1) Which camber did you fit the IM Ghost protein Skimmer? Right now its in the second (2nd)

2nd is correct

2) how far down is it? Right now its level to the glass chamber

it sits on the bottom. cup is adjustable.

2a) Noticing those mirco bubbles, is it from the protein skimmer???

yes, til the slime coat builds up you will get mb

3) Whats the level of your water? I kind of want the main tank almost to the mesh screen, and the sump only filled around the glass compartments. I think someone used sponges to create a stoppage from the main tank, Did anyone use that?

main tank is full when water level in sump compartments is just below the dividers. the chambers need to stay divided for it to flow correctly. in the main tank thats usually just at the very tops of the water diffusers.

Ok sounds good. I plan on getting a pair of clowns soon.

Anyone going to reefapalooza this weekend?

Might purchase some frags there, maybe.
I believe it was 2.5 inches away from wall. I set mine up with that distance incase I wanted to do it. Just Remember that it will not hide like the ghost and 9004

Any chance you could measure just to be sure? Getting tank setup and filling today or tomorrow and went ahead and ordered the Aquamaxx.
Also, did you guys leak test/rinse the tank prior to filling?
I'd like to at least rinse mine out but it's hard to move it around alone. Don't have anyone here to help
Any chance you could measure just to be sure? Getting tank setup and filling today or tomorrow and went ahead and ordered the Aquamaxx.

That'll be hard for him to do. He's on vacation in china...
I think some others have the hob and maybe they can answer.

As for leak check....I'd do it. In your garage. Just in case...fill it with a garden hose then syphon it onto the lawn..let it sit running for 24 hrs too...
Nothin worse than a leaky new tank in your house...

If you are a gambling man, go for it...
Any chance you could measure just to be sure? Getting tank setup and filling today or tomorrow and went ahead and ordered the Aquamaxx.

I doubled checked.. 3.5 not 2.5. I put a link to a build page that had one on his 40. Mutley06 I believe is his screen name. Also one guy on here is running it. Brooklyn something is his screen name
Ok last question (for today).

Eventually I am planning on doing a mixed reef with a good amount of stony acro and monti once the tank has been up for a few months. The LPS corals will go in earlier since some of them are from my current biocube 14. But once tank has stabilized I want to add a good amount of SPS.

Now my question is a common one, Kalk vs 2 Part.. Should I start putting Kalk in ATO water for now and eventually switch to an automatic two part dosing once demand is high enough. Or should I just skip the kalk altogether and go straight to a automatic two part dosing? Looking at either the Jebao doser or the Neptune DOS pump.
Sweet, thanks!
I just measured 3"

this thing is awesome you'll love it. This is 3 days of skimming and I'm not a heavy feeder


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Ok last question (for today).

Eventually I am planning on doing a mixed reef with a good amount of stony acro and monti once the tank has been up for a few months. The LPS corals will go in earlier since some of them are from my current biocube 14. But once tank has stabilized I want to add a good amount of SPS.

Now my question is a common one, Kalk vs 2 Part.. Should I start putting Kalk in ATO water for now and eventually switch to an automatic two part dosing once demand is high enough. Or should I just skip the kalk altogether and go straight to a automatic two part dosing? Looking at either the Jebao doser or the Neptune DOS pump.
I think unless you're advanced start with the kalk in your ato water.@ part only becomes necessary when you're heavily stocked with lps/sps and the kalk can't keep up. Until you actually have LPS/SPS in your tank you don't even need to dose at all
Already have about 6 lps. Plan on getting quite a few more when moved over to new tank. As well as a bunch of sps after a few months.

In my 14g I gotta do weekly water changes to keep up with current corals, may just be because of small water volume.
Ok last question (for today).

Eventually I am planning on doing a mixed reef with a good amount of stony acro and monti once the tank has been up for a few months. The LPS corals will go in earlier since some of them are from my current biocube 14. But once tank has stabilized I want to add a good amount of SPS.

Now my question is a common one, Kalk vs 2 Part.. Should I start putting Kalk in ATO water for now and eventually switch to an automatic two part dosing once demand is high enough. Or should I just skip the kalk altogether and go straight to a automatic two part dosing? Looking at either the Jebao doser or the Neptune DOS pump.

I started out with kalk in my ato. I changed my lighting schedule before leaving on vacation in feb and my evaporation was too fast and I turned my tank into milk. I got rid of the kalk and now dosing two part through BRS pumps running On my apex. Now I am sitting in front of the skyline of Hong Kong and I can turn of my pumps if ph raises or something does not look right

Kalk I feel is good if there is minimal coral or you can monitor it. You can really not achieve consistency with kalk in your ato. Two part you have more control over and can adjust if you add more.

My two cents
Ok last question (for today).

Eventually I am planning on doing a mixed reef with a good amount of stony acro and monti once the tank has been up for a few months. The LPS corals will go in earlier since some of them are from my current biocube 14. But once tank has stabilized I want to add a good amount of SPS.

Now my question is a common one, Kalk vs 2 Part.. Should I start putting Kalk in ATO water for now and eventually switch to an automatic two part dosing once demand is high enough. Or should I just skip the kalk altogether and go straight to a automatic two part dosing? Looking at either the Jebao doser or the Neptune DOS pump.

So first thing before you consider dosing - do you need it and how much do you need?
Only way to answer this question is, testing, testing, testing.
Just adding kalk or two part for the sake of adding it is a waste of $ and time if your tank isn't consuming it.
I would suggest this: Test your water the day after a water change. Then test it every day after for a week or two (or every other day for 2 weeks). Plot your Alk, Ca, and Mag levels. See how much the tank is consuming.
Start by bringing these levels back to where they were right after the WC using 2 part. Again, test, test, test. See how much the tank consumes.
Apply these results to a dosing schedule and then follow it, and test every few days to make sure the levels stay where they should.

Kalk is cheap and easy. But dosing it via the ato is ugly. It creates a ph spike every time it tops up. Also, ato pumps are notoriously unreliable. Last thing you want is to dump a 2g tank of saturated kalk into your DT, like Biz had happen.

I'd suggest you prove to yourself you need to dose first, then if you do, do it via a dosing system. Those pumps are very reliable and deadly accurate. You can control them via probes etc so they don't or can't over dose.

Lastly, get good test kits for these tests. You need to be comfortable and confident with the results. And you'll be using them a lot at first. I've been through I don't know how many reagent kits for my Hannas since I got into dosing. I am still testing Alk EVERY day. Ca every other day.

Biz, thats a lovely shot of the harbour....have a good night!
Picture of inside of cabinet

Picture of inside of cabinet

Can someone post a photo or measurements of the inside of the cabinet? I'm trying to figure out if there is space to use an Eliminator E107 Control switch center for outlets? It's 19" long / across.

Thank you!