Ozone post filtration

Ozone is dangerous and has serious issues. Don't use it like I do. I am crazy.

I just issue a disclaimer.
Also use ozone. The ozone runs for a few minutes every couple of hours. Probably dangerous, but water is pristine.
Ozone is dangereous, thats for sure, but can be used safely. Uv radiation is very dangerous too, but we learn to use it safely inside closed chamber. Same thing with ozone, need to be used inside closed chamber(skimmer, reactor) and not let it to escape in surronding air and water. Question about by products are open but many sucesful tanks using ozone show that they are neutralized, either by carbon, biologicaly or water changes.
Still, i would like know exact amount of bromates and other by products in mine water. Is there any test like icp what can be done for it?