Ozone Setup?


New member
I just bought a used ozone setup and had a couple of questions for the ozone users out there. I am using a Milwaukee ORP controller and I wondered what you set the ORP shut off at? second what do you use as a reaction chamber for OPO's? Is it a DIY chamber and do you just use regular GA carbon?
A third question, what do you use to calibrate your ORP probe?
Thanks Sanford
ozone answers

ozone answers

I've got both my tanks set up with a Milwaukee ORP/PH controller, although I only control the ORP. I do monitor the pH though, and keep it between 8.1 and 8.4. (boosting with kalkwasser in the mornings when it has dropped down to 7.9 - 8.0)

I've got ORP set to 310 mV for both tanks. I use my protein skimmer as the ozone reaction chamber, and I've got the effluent from the skimmers flowing over a bag of carbon. The ORP and UV double punch keeps my water crystal! I used to have really yellowed water, quote noticable when I did water changes.

When I first started with ozone, I found that after a couple months the ORP levels recorded by the controller started to rise. In reality my ORP probe just needed cleaning. So now every month or so I soak both the ORP and pH probes in 5% HCl (I've got this in stock in my lab). Then rinse with DI and calibrate. A 4 ounce bottle of ORP calibration solution can be purchased from Pulse Instruments for $6 plus shipping.


They also have pH calibration solutions (you'll need two solutions: pH 7 and pH 10).


