P3 software


New member
Sorry if this has already been gone over I have been out of the hobby for awhile since I sold my P2 and everything else but Is there going to be any major revamp to the P3 software iv skimmed through several P3 threads and didnt see anything and seeing how im a computer nerd I love new software lol :fun2:

Yes V5.xxx is very much new, as yet even i have not been privvy to the software.

As always with GHL the software will be ongoing developed and the P3 when released will naturally come with the new software but further additions will follow

What I can tell you is that the weserver functionality is huge and beyond anything I have seen on the market so far, the beauty of it also is that it has been developed by GHL and not third party hobbyists so you have as ever the assured reliability that goes hand in hand with GHL ProfiLux.

And yes it still is FREE :)
There is not a lot to show really, the profilux control interface for now is the same with added functions of course this will change but first everything needs to be added.