Standard alkalinity determinations typically use 0.1N hydrochloric or sulfuric acid. Obviously, all of us propsective owners would like to buy this from the original manufacturer (i.e., you). However, it doesn't appear that Pacific Sun currently has a US dealer/distributor, and air-shipping hydrochloric and/or sulfuric acid from Europe would be quite expensive, and possibly run afoul of hazardous material shipping regulations. We'd personally love it if you inked a deal with Bulk Reef Supply to sell your equipment and reagents, because their reputation for customer service is unparalleled in the US. But failing that, are you willing to disclose the normality of the strong acid to be used with the unit so that in the US we could buy a standardized 0.1N acid solution to use with the unit?
I actually have a few straight forward questions. The ones above are above my pay grade [emoji23][emoji23]
1) I currently use a kore 5th. Can I run both a kore 5th and kore 7th on same computer will the new software WiFi and old software BT work correctly if both software programs are installed on same computer? Currently my kore 5th and Hyperion lights have no issue so assume this will not be a problem.
2) I currently have a AC2 calc Feeder that DOES NOT have a PH probe. Will this be a problem
3) The solution used in the KLab. Is it available in the US
4) Is my calcium reactor still needed
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Kore 7th + KLab can control either a calcium reactor or dose a 3-part solution to manage alkalinity, calcium and important elements such as magnesium. You can select thw way you want to use it: if you choose calcium reactor, it will control CO2 valve, if you choose a 3-part solution you will use pumps #4-7