I am setting up a 58 gallon reef tank and have recently purchased two clowns, One Lightning Maroon and the other Ocellaris. I have recently read that pairing Maroons with Ocellaris can be problematic (of course I was irresponsible and did the research after the purchase). The Ocellaris is the bigger of the two and I currently have them in a 20 gallon QT. The Ocellaris Clown has been the more dominant of the two since I put them in there and I have even seen the Lightning Maroon do the less dominant shaking dance. They seem to be hosting a 3/4 circular (almost full circle) PVC Pipe that is 2" in diameter. The two fish both sleep in the pipe at night and are constantly by each other at all times. The Ocellaris still shows dominance (eating first, or pushing the Maroon out of the PVC and letting him back in). It has now been 4 days since they were put in QT. I believe that they are showing signs of becoming a bonded pair (both still juvenile).
my Question is... should I worry about these guys in the long run??
my Question is... should I worry about these guys in the long run??