Pairing a Lightning Maroon Clown With Ocellaris Clown


New member
I am setting up a 58 gallon reef tank and have recently purchased two clowns, One Lightning Maroon and the other Ocellaris. I have recently read that pairing Maroons with Ocellaris can be problematic (of course I was irresponsible and did the research after the purchase). The Ocellaris is the bigger of the two and I currently have them in a 20 gallon QT. The Ocellaris Clown has been the more dominant of the two since I put them in there and I have even seen the Lightning Maroon do the less dominant shaking dance. They seem to be hosting a 3/4 circular (almost full circle) PVC Pipe that is 2" in diameter. The two fish both sleep in the pipe at night and are constantly by each other at all times. The Ocellaris still shows dominance (eating first, or pushing the Maroon out of the PVC and letting him back in). It has now been 4 days since they were put in QT. I believe that they are showing signs of becoming a bonded pair (both still juvenile).

my Question is... should I worry about these guys in the long run??
Is there a way to push or assist a bond at a at such a young stage? Right now I have just the two of them in a 20 gallon QT and removed all but one PVC ring. I did this to get them both to host the single PVC hideout (which they do now). From the start the larger Ocellaris has played the dominant role and they spend all of there time together. The Maroon even lets the Ocellaris eat first before going after food.
Worst case scenario I can put the Ocellaris in the Frag tank if things get violent but I think it would be amazing to eventually keep them in the DT together.
At the very least, u will need the maroon to be the bigger one eventually, aka turn female. Maroon are naturally bigger than occellaris.

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Currently the Ocellaris is about 1.75" and the Maroon is 1.50". Another concern is, will the Ocellaris become a female before the Maroon or with the Maroon grow fast enough where it will be the larger fish before sex is determined?
My insight would be to return either the maroon or the occ. and get another of the same type of clown to form a pair. Maroons aren't the easiest to pair even with another maroon. I think your occ will more than likely end up dead.
that's a fair question Cliving1, I thought it would be a cool idea if it does work out. what will likely happen is the maroon will go in the display tank and in 1 to 1.5 years i will attempt a pair (unless this is best/easier to do while young?) and the ocelaris will go in the frag tank and Ill pair it with another ocellaris.
that's a fair question Cliving1, I thought it would be a cool idea if it does work out. what will likely happen is the maroon will go in the display tank and in 1 to 1.5 years i will attempt a pair (unless this is best/easier to do while young?) and the ocelaris will go in the frag tank and Ill pair it with another ocellaris.

I would only attempt this if you were planning on cross breeding them. There's hope if the ocellaris maintains dominance, but could also beat the maroon to death. This is really a powder keg waiting for a spark. Again pairing them young is the best way to do this. If you let a maroon become a female, she will destroy any ocellaris you introduce. Hell introducing a smaller maroon is even dangerous. You need to decide what clowns you want ocellaris, or maroon and stick with that.