Patching a Sump From Artfully Acrylic


Active member
I have a sump that was made by Artfully Acrylic. I need to patch a bulkhead hole.

Weld-On 3 and Weld-On 4 are available from Amazon. Weld-On information page says that 3 and 4 will not bond to cross-linked acrylics. I have no idea whether AA uses cross-linked acrylics.

I do see this online:

What this essentially means, is that an additional chemical has been added to give these materials [cross-linked acrylics] greater resistance to harsh chemicals and staining agents. As a result, they resist the solvents that would normally dissolve and fuse regular acrylic sheets. To properly bond these types of materials, you will need to use adhesives, rather than solvents. These take longer than solvents to cure, so many fabricators rule them out right away because of the effect that curing times have on large volume production​

The panels of the sump appear to be joined by solvent welding, so I suspect it's not cross-linked acrylic.

Has anyone here patched a sump (or other product) from Artfully Acrylic? Do you recall what you used? Was it with company input or just SWAG as to what to use? (I have message in to them but just checking here, too, in the interim.)
cross link means two different types of materials. so if the sump was made with acrylic, you need to patch it with a piece of acrylic.
Cross linking refers to the molecular chains bonding to each other.

Re products and service, the sump was bought second hand. I tried to get info from them once before on something else "” a quote for a revised version of the sump I think "” and they came across as too busy to be bothered. The sump is fairly bare bones, which is fine by me since it will be in separate fish room behind f tank and not seen. What sort of issues have you heard about?
so basically don’t use weldon 3 or 4 if you are trying to bond two different plastics together - acrylic, abs, etc.

i have heard from at least three people that they never reply to inquiries. and one person i know had a ato container built and it leaked after 5 months. not my experiences though so take it for what it is. but it sounds you got some pretty bad service too.
so basically don't use weldon 3 or 4 if you are trying to bond two different plastics together - acrylic, abs, etc.

i have heard from at least three people that they never reply to inquiries. and one person i know had a ato container built and it leaked after 5 months. not my experiences though so take it for what it is. but it sounds you got some pretty bad service too.

they replied to message sent via facebook. Weld-on 4 or 16.

I'll use 16 to attach patch to the inside of the sump and put some 4 around the perimeter of the hole, in the corner where the surface of the patch intersects with the wall of the hole