peroxide dip


New member
How often can I peroxide dip and what ratio should it be and also how long should I keep them in it. Also do you keep your frags on the frag plug or do you cut it off the frag plug?
Do a search... But I do once a week tops... And I use 1 part peroxide, 5 parts tank water... 5 mins submerged...
How often can I peroxide dip and what ratio should it be and also how long should I keep them in it. Also do you keep your frags on the frag plug or do you cut it off the frag plug?

Once is enough, if that solves the problem.
More important is to know why you are dipping in the first place.
Ratio is normally around 25% of Hydrogen peroxide and tank water. You can try even less than that. Sometimes works!

You can put your plugs on the rocks and let them grow.
Avoid moving them around once you find the spot you like!

I've had bubbles in the zoas using 50/50%+ dips, so I'm avoiding to recommend that.
Just as a precaution.
Most times a 25/75% will do even for algae, so...

no more than once a week. I always only do a cap of peroxide to a cup of water. I now use rps all out and it works WELL.
whatever the brown bottle at walmart is. I also dip no more than 1 minutes, or else you risk over stress as well as stalk/foot damage.
I was dipping do to an over amount of hair algae I need to get some gfo

I would avoid playing with GFO.
You should try other things first.
GFO isn't the best PO4 control when dealing with cnidarians.
Before we've got GFO in the market many of us had successful aquariums without major PO4 problems, so...

It can be *really that bad*, because it has it's side effects on corals and zoas.
Ou can search for it and find for yourself before you buy it.
Something to avoid IMO!
Symptoms include possible bleaching and lowering of alkalinity. Not good!!
I would say it shouldn't be used in a regular basis, perhaps only to fix serious problems with phosphates, and for short periods of time with caution.
Just my US$.02.

You'll still find people telling you they love GFOs.

I love gfo but I agree with grandis. Try everything else before starting gfo. Feed less, rinse frozen food, eliminate dead spots, vacuum, clean bottom of sump ect.

I've used peroxide up to a 50/50 mix. Unless the algae is really bad don't bother with 50/50. I've done a 10% forgotten about them for hours and the ZOAs came out fine. Note that the algae will appear alive even after the dip, it takes a couple days for the algae to die off.
It's better to treat multiple times, once a day, with 10% then once with 50%.

And don't forget partial water changes to help with phosphates. Skimmer?

Hi Big E,

Try about 10% first, depending what you're dipping for.
Time exposure will also depend on what you're dipping for.

I normally use H2O2 (3%) to clean the polyps from unwanted algae when I first collect them. Nothings is better than H2O2 for algae. If there is no visible algae I use Lugol's.
I used to leave for like 3 minutes in the past, but even less than that works.
Today, for the algae, I leave for about a minute or so. Normally that is enough.
The less you expose the polyps, the faster they'll open after treatment.
If you see too many bubbles around the polyps you can even leave for 30 secs.
The main point is that there is no need to expose the polyps for longer than necessary.

You need to ask yourself why to use H2O2. Each substance has it's affects on different pathogens/algae/bugs and affects the zoas as well in different degrees.

Consideration on the actual condition of the polyp(s) is crucial when deciding what type of dipping method will be used. I aways try to remind people about that. Such an important point!

Okay thanks, I've done 1 to 1 and it was a bit harsh for approx. 4 minutes

I settled in at 75% for 4 minutes and you're right, the zoas take longer to open 3-4 days.

Some of the peskier macros will come right back, that's why I was asking about duration, thinking less potent and longer time might work better.

The main issue is some hydroids that have nestled in between polyps and they are much harder to kill than algae. These are very tiny but they cause the zoas not to open.

I've tried TMPCC which is iodine based and that won't kill them either.

I haven't done it daily..................maybe I'll give your lower dose a try and do it 3-4 days in a row?
Oh no!!!!
The hydroids you need to pick them with tweezers!
They will be in your system, unfortunately.
Forget using Lugol's or other iodine based product.
I think they actually kinda love that! LOL!!
Yes, some species of hydroids will die with some H2O2 dips, but only the tip dies. The base produces more hydroids after a while.
Keep consistency on the tweezers and make it part of the weekly maintenance for a better control. Try to grab the base. That way you remove the whole structure off.
Hope you hydroids are big enough for tweezers!
Good luck!