Petco and icthyocide


New member
In the area I live there are 3 Petco's (and only 1 real LFS which isn't that local and of dubious quality at best). Here's my problem, I've been in each of the Petco's several times over the last few months. EVERY time I've been in, in each store, the marine fish are INFESTED with parasites and diseases. Additionally, they commonly have fish dying or dead in the tanks.

Yesterday, I went in to one of them and spoke with the attendant. They just received a shipment of fish that day (earlier in the day). A number of the newly arrived fish were already infested. I'm talking about 1 powder blue tang, a half dozen bursa triggers, 3 scopas tangs, some tomato clowns, 2 ocellaris clowns and a dozen varied damsels (At LEAST). I asked the attendant (short form), "what is going on with the fish, every time I'm in here they fish are infested and dying". She says, "I know it's very sad. Corporate won't even let us treat them, but sometimes we try to anyway. We just got some new ones today and they were really stressed out, some already had ich". This store is the best of the three with regard to the condition of their marine fish.

I went into another today. Half the tanks empty (I thought whew!). Then I see a volitan lion bloated and dead in the corner of one tank with a pair of niger triggers lying next to him panting.

This is despicable. Anyone else see anything like this at Petco? I'll be writing and calling them to complain LOUDLY, as well as suggesting they either get it right, or get out of the marine business. I had given it a few months to see if it was just an aberration, buts it's not, it appears as if this is business as usual. I have seen at least 4 shipments of fish, in each of the three stores (12 total), each end with similar results (once in awhile a particularly hardy specimen makes it a month).

If anyone else has seen this, I hope you'd also write, call, whatever (more voices is likey to make more of an impression)
For a little more ammunition, you might want to goto the other 2 stores and ask them the same questions about the diseased fish and see if they tell you corporate wont let them treath them.

Then maybe you could write a letter to the bbb(better business bureau) I dont know what that might do if anything, just an idea.

I think there is maybe one petco by me that has saltwater, im going to check if i get a chance.

I hate going into any pet store and seeing dying animals of any kinda, fish(salt and fresh) birds, lizards, rodents..

It makes you wonder what that says about the store the things their trying to sell to people are dying or dead.

But their all still in business so obviously the impact isnt much... just sad.

When I first got into this hobby I bought al my livestock at Petco - I didn't know any better. After stocking my tank over the course of approx 6 months I bought a puffer. Next morning I noticed he had ick. Went back to Petco to buy medicine - which they had none (how do you sell live stock and not have at least one bottle on hand for your customers, never mind to care for your own tank). Anyways, I went over to their tanks and saw that they had an ick break out. So now it was obvious that the puffer I bought the previous day had ick from their tanks. Out of curiosity I asked to buy another fish (mind you they had an outbreak and they were all now infected) - to which they were about to sell me one - anything for a buck, eh Petco!

I ordered ick medicine on line, unfortunately by the time I received it my tank was completely wiped out. I hate to see such a loss of life, plus a financial loss of approximately $150. I spoke to the Petco store manager who was well versed in their store policy as he recited it for me and did absolutely nothing for me.

Ultimately this is Petcos loss as I have not purchased any aquaria dry goods or live stock since. Ultimately that is how the responsible reef keeper can send such places a strong message - don't buy from them!!!!!!!!!!
eatgoodfood said:

I think there is maybe one petco by me that has saltwater, im going to check if i get a chance.

I hate going into any pet store and seeing dying animals of any kinda, fish(salt and fresh) birds, lizards, rodents..


Please do check. I've looked at their other livestock, seems fine (cats, dogs, ferrets, reptiles, turtles, etc.) just the marine fish. As a kid i kept everthing under the sun; snakes, lizards, turtles, mice, cats, birds, racoon, tarantulas, frogs, ad infinitum (drove my Mom nuts).

The PetsMart in our area at least has the sense to know that they don't want to deal with marine fish (as I believe is the case with all of them, not 100% sure though)

I will ask in the other stores as well though I don't trust the attndants in one of them (overheard him giving advice on keeping turtles which was completely WRONG). The attendant I spoke to was genuinely upset and concerned, no doubt. It really disturbs me to think that over 740 stores (Petco franchise) could be getting a new shipment of 50 +/- marine fish a week and be treating them like this (if suspicions are confirmed).
besl said:
So now it was obvious that the puffer I bought the previous day had ick from their tanks. Out of curiosity I asked to buy another fish (mind you they had an outbreak and they were all now infected) - to which they were about to sell me one - anything for a buck, eh Petco!

Sorry to hear that. Thanks for the input.
I used to work for Petco, they did not have saltwater fish, but they cared more about stocking shelves then they did about caring for the animals. The animals were dying left and right. I would stop stocking the shelves to take care of the animals, even though I would get in trouble. I ended up telling them off and quit!! :mad2:
imo petco would be a better company if they did not carry animals and just stocked dry goods.

but we all know that will never happen

eatgoodfood said:
imo petco would be a better company if they did not carry animals and just stocked dry goods.

but we all know that will never happen


I totally agree!!!!!
Some of the Canadian PetSmart stores sell marine fish. One I was in had a Scopus and a Powder Blue and both looked like they had been cyanide caught because they were emaciated. No ich in the tanks but what difference does it make if you starve to death first. I guess we have to make a decision in keeping these animals. That decision first is to either spend the money and try to give the best environment for them we can afford or don't do it. Its not fair to the animals. Second we need to send a strong message to stores by supporting only the ones that actually care for the animals. In this case that means not buying at PetCo or PetSmart for anything fish related or otherwise. They are happy to sell products to better care for your pet all the while torturing helpless animals. Its just not right and should not be tolerated by our financial support. I don't make any distinction between this and a common puppy mill !
When I see an animal that is poorly taken care of, I want to buy it to try to give it a better life. But then again I am, in a way, supporting their neglect even though I ACTUALLY CARE. It is a no win situation that makes me very angry. I wish people cared about animals like I, and most of the people on RC, do. I think people totally disregard fish as animals worthy of taking proper care of. I am sorry I am ranting, but enough is enough!!! :mad2:
The petco here isn't as bad, but at least one of there tanks out of the 12 or so has dead or sick fish in it. Full size tangs in 15g in most of them. And 20+ fish in the rest of these 15g tanks.
Unfortunately Petco is a disgrace. They will put full size tangs in a 20g tank and stress the hell out of them. Then they act like it's your fault when you try to save them and they die. Unfortunately it's better to just let the fish die at Petco because if you buy them from Petco.......Petco is just going to keep ordering more and they will keep getting diseased. I've boycotted Petco for good.
steveoutlaw said:
Unfortunately Petco is a disgrace.
I've boycotted Petco for good.

I would encourage each of you (and any that follow) to go to their web site and send a nastygram with specifics about the marine fish husbandry in the store nearest you (they have a customer service link and some verbage about wanting to make everyone satisfied). If there is only a couple of negative comments from one specific area it's not likely to make an impact. Also, encourage any of your friends or reef club members to do the same.

Unfortunately, I don't think boycotting will do much (I won't buy there). Four years ago there were no Petco's here, now there's three within 30 miles.
the sad part is, its the petco systems. I know personally the wholesaler who sells to the Petco in my area, and i've been to his warehouse and his fish are more then perfect. When i go to the petco he sells to near my house, i notice dead fish, corals, and diesesed tanks. I even notice mislabled fish. They just arent up to selling marine live stock, even the personel didnt know what to say when i asked questions, considering i work at a LFS.

There is a place called Petgood, dont know if its a chain store or not, but they had excellent live stock and the employee knew what she was talking about.
ive seen worse around here i just dont understand how they can sell fish with no knowledge of there care or real needs its just bad the 10 inch volitian lion in the 10 gallon tank it makes me real sad poor guys
Each time I have gone into the local Petco there have been dead fish. Last time they had 2 dead damsels and a dead puffer. The water was extremely cloudy and looked like very low flow through the tanks. I told the cleark, who was stocking, and she just gave me that deer in the headlights stare. Considering one of the fish they were selling was $75.00, which had also died, you would think they would do something to stop the profit loss.
The Petco down the street from me has only been open a month and I see PLENTY of dead fish in that place. MArine and freshwater. I can't believe the people oohing and ahhing at the little nemos cant see the other three dead nemos in the back of the tank and the other two hiding and breathing really fast.
drunktank said:
I know personally the wholesaler who sells to the Petco in my area, and i've been to his warehouse and his fish are more then perfect.

I know that wholesaler too. Here's an exercise for you, FW dip a few fish and see how many flukes pop off ;) Especially the large fish like angels, tangs and butterflies.
come on now i thought everyone knew to stay away from petcos, why purchase iche and parasites when u can buy fish lol