Petco and icthyocide

They are bad here also, I always tell them how many dead fish I find when I go in there, the girl is just like "really, oh okay" then I watch her do nothing about it. Pretty sad. I dont shop there at all, they are next to where I get my hair cut so I always make a point to count dead fish everytime I get my haircut
A petco in pasadena ca, had a large aquarium/wall that divides their fish section it was at least 1000 gallons. it was a aggressive fish tank with some very large eels and lions and some LR, this was a fairly new store and i was initially impressed by the display tank, but their stock tanks were just as bad as the previous replies.
eventually their "show " tank became a algea display. finally they realised their errors and broke down the marine tank section for a few months. the large display is now freshwater, their marine section is now about a third of what it used to be but the animals look a bit healthier that before. hopefully they have employed someone with experience with marine tanks. I never purchased stock from them, and i guess many others didnt as well otherwise they would not have changed.
I worked for a medium sized chain pet superstore years ago. It's privately owned and the owner of the company uses his friend's fish wholesale company to supply fish. just FW, they experimented w/ salt in my store and we kept them healthy but they just weren't cost effective. Anyway the problem with the fish was the entire operation. The fish that came in were usually highly stressed, and diseased. Medication was standard procedure for all new arrivals. There were numerous complaints by employees about the poor quality livestock coming in but the complaints fell on deaf ears. We would pull out nearly 10% of the entire fish population daily due to deaths. There was little the employees could do. All of the tanks were on one linked system with a central filtration system, similar to most large operations. So if one tank was diseased, they all were.
The bottom line when dealing with livestock in large chainstores in general is just that, the bottom line. When one considers the costs of feed, bedding, water, electricity and floor space devoted to the livestock the stores are operating at a loss. They make no profit selling a platy or mollie at $1.29. or a neon at $1.49. the reason they have animals is to get you to buy the dry goods: tanks, cages, food, treats, chemicals, lighting, etc., and keep you coming back for these items. Why do you see so many promotions for a free hamster/ gerbil with the purchase of a cage? The store that Tom_Nev went to is just looking at costs. Why take medicine off the shelf that will bring in $5.00 profit to save a fish that will only bring $.50 profit? It's just not good economics. Livestock or medication or food, it's all just a product to sell. Movie theatres do the same thing. The theatre doesn't make that much money off each ticket sale. The money comes from concessions. The tickets just get you in the door so you can buy the $4.00 soda and $3.00 popcorn.
The laws usually only care about the warm and fuzzy animals.
It's just business.
PETCO mistreats their fish.. they give foolish unknowledgeable people the resposiblity of keeping the saltwater fish. Everytime I've talked to some of them they are very novice...
Scuba Oz said:
They are bad here also, I always tell them how many dead fish I find when I go in there, the girl is just like "really, oh okay" then I watch her do nothing about it. Pretty sad. I dont shop there at all, they are next to where I get my hair cut so I always make a point to count dead fish everytime I get my haircut

Hey man,

You should email your counts to petco each time you do it. If everyone else would do this, maybe a difference could be made. We don't have any Petcos by our house, one Petsmart but they don't carry SW fish. Their FW fish are in pretty good shape actually.

Thought I better sign the petition. PetCo here in Kalispell Montana is just as bad. They get fish in once a week and they're usually dead before the next batch comes in. A doctor friend bought a fish there that wiped out his entire tank. He has since learned the term "quarantine". What really surprises me is some of the fish they get in. These fish would have difficulty surviving in a experts aquarium, never mind their pisbowls. Achilles and powder blue tangs for instance.

Please do not confuse these jokers with PetSmart. Pet smart does not have SW fish and the fresh water fish they have are some of the best I've seen. Plus they cater to some of the serious hobbiest's by offering bigger tanks and better equipment.
I had the same experience with the Petco in Fort Collins, CO. Their fish were in terrible condition. One time, in the middle of winter when it was about 10 degrees below zero, I saw their supplier park the truck full of live fish out side, open the back door, and go inside. He left those fish sitting there for more than 20 minutes in -10 degree weather. Even their freshwater fish were always in attrocious shape. I do not shop at Petco. Petsmart always had had great fish.
I have also seen poor conditions at Petco.
I also have a friend who purchased 1 fish from them that wiped out his entire tank.
I remember them getting an achilles tang in that seemed to be doing pretty well the day they got it. It was dead by the end of the week.

On a lighter note, at the Petco near me both of the people who maintain the saltwater tanks seem pretty concerned about the fish they carry. They are by no means as knowledgeable as many of the people on these boards, but they don't seem to want to sell a Nemo to everyone who saw the movie.
i was gonna by some blue damsels andclowns and the girl working had 2 big tanks she said never buy fish from us
worlds under said:
please support local HOBBIST stores. shure you may have to pay a little more, but you get what you pay for.

As far as local stores goes. I was at a local store a few days ago. I actually pointed out a couple of their new fish had died and were stuck to power heads or being eaten by crabs. The girl promptly went and grabbed a net and pulled them out.
It kind of surprised me because everytime I've pointed out dead fish at "other" stores I've gotten the "oh, thanks, we'll get right on that" and never see the salesman again. :rolleyes:
Fortunately, we don't have any PetCo's around here, but the descriptions you are giving sound similar to some of the LFS around here.
The local Petco in Quincy MA is as bad as the ones you all are talking about.My brother in law got 2 clowns a couple weeks ago and they died within days.We also saw a weird looking clown that looked like a mix between a tomato and a ocellaris and when we asked the guy who worked there what it was, he said i dont know.Then he said that it looked like both of them combined.His next statement blew me away.He said maybe one of their clowns "hit" something it wasnt supposed to.I couldnt help laugh in the mans face.I never buy from chains myself and now I know why.
I get customers in my store all the time who shop at petco and will argue with me about what they were told about their fish at petco. I have been to several petcos and I have yet to meet an employee I would trust with a pet rock. Their info is either something they managed to pull out of their butt or something they were told by someone who has no idea what they are doing. The stores near me keep fish in tanks together that should never be kept together even if it's for a few days until they are sold. My store even hired a "marine expert" from a nearby petco who applied for a job when we were short... after his first 3 days I banned him from the marine tanks and now he no longer works with us. The volume of misinformation they give out is amazing. They let dead fish rot in the tanks. Forget the chemical ramifications of that, as a consumer I don't want to buy anything if I see a dead fish in the tank.
I went into a petco in Cambridge MA last night just to check on their fish and it was an ich farm.Add that one to the list of bad ones.
Hey guys
its been a while since i have posted on here, but i frequent the website all the time. Anyways to the topic at hand. READ THE NEXT FEW WORDS SLOWLY, i am a petco employee lol. I just started two weeks ago. I live in gainesville, (i go to school here). I was brought on to be the aquatics specialist. I have a 55 gallon reef tank and a 12g nano cube. I know a lot of stuff about saltwater fish, treatments, the whole nine. The problem that petco faces is its coporate office, and their tank set up. First, the set up: Every two columns of tanks are connected to one main sump. They dont skim or use UV sterilizers. All of the tanks run through bio wheels before going back into the sump. I hate the set up, each tank has poor circulation. I can go on and on. Anyways about the coporate policy. When i first came i immediately asked about treating the tanks for ich. Side note, our saltwater fish are in very good health. SInce i have been there we have only lost 1 clarkii clown. The company only allows to treat ich with clout and salts. Its terrible, i want to use copper safe, but we cant get enough and its not approved. Ill keep you posted on our success at the petco in gainesville. Right now everyday i go in, i srub all algae in sw, and change as much water as i can throughout the freshwater tanks. Im slowly bringing everyone back to life. The previous people had no clue about fish at all. At least one petco is on the rise.
Its good to hear someone is fighting for Petco's fish from the inside.However it seems the corprate handcuffs will in the end hold you and any other Petco employee from really saving those poor fish.What if we all get together and sneak in some meds for the Petco fish.All we need is one contact in each Petco to administer the med.LOL ok everyone go out and buy some Coppersafe and pick a Petco.:)
Today I went to Petco and purchased a Foxface. Yes I'm quarantining it. ;) The only reason I got it is because it seems to be extremely hardy. It had been there for a couple of months now and always seemed to be in good health. I got it home just a little bit ago. I'm drip acclimating it as I type. Just to check how far off their SG was I tested it with my refractometer. SG was at 1.019.:eek2: I didn't test anything else because I figured the fish being stressed out would have thrown them way off anyway.