Petco and icthyocide

I have a friend who works at petco here in Az and when I first got into the hobby he would not let me buy fish from them. (thanks buddy) and he has said on a few occaisions a lot of the same stuff you all have said. They have "corporate handcuffs" and there is nothing they can do about it. I wont even buy dog food there anymore, and I get the employee discount through my friend, because of the animal husbandry. So my thought is... We all need to write our concerns to them as specified in this thread, but also don't be afraid to say something at the store. Just be polite and no matter how bad thier reaction may be don't lose your head. (catch more bees with honey you know) also include a link to threads like this one so they can see our concerns. I don't know... Just a few ideas from a guy in marketing and advertising. Good luck all I am proud to join you all in the battle to save one fish at a time.
Funny thing. They had a sign on one of the tanks that said something like "At Petco animals come first, questions or comments call 1-888...." I should have written the number down. :rolleyes:

Oh by the way the Foxface I purchased is doing great. Eating just fine and being quite active in his QT tank.
I live in Upstate NY but occasionally i visit NYC :) and when i was down there i visited the petco that was there...i just wanted to take a look at them just to see what diferent species they carried. As i was looking in the different tanks there were at least 5-10 dead fish altogether throughout the different tanks, ug! I would never buy any livestock from petco! They dont treat their pets very nicely especially the marine fish, they should definetly not keep marine fish...i think they should just sell dry goods!

I work at a Petco here in Green Bay. I have seen lots of other Petcos just around my area with tons of problems with their marine life. I'm amazed and, quite frankly, humiliated to be associated with these fresh-out-of-high-school employees. Everything said here hold true for me as well.
I have kept aquaria since I was old enough to work, and since then have only added to my obsession. I work with 3 other guys who all have their own CO2 planted tanks, SPS tanks, clam tanks, and FOWLR tanks. The fish we receive every week are occasionally emaciated, diseased, or very stressed. We all do our very best to keep our Petco from turning into all the others. It's a losing battle. Every week damn near, our corporate office tells us that we aren't going to be using certain medications. First it was Rid Ich (sucks anyway, but works for livebearers.) Next it was Coppersafe from our SW system. Honestly, the only medication at our disposal is "Clout" anti-parasitic medication, which does nothing for SW or FW.
Myself and my friends are forced to make a decision, buy meds from a store that actually carries what we need, or watch as our marine life withers and our customers shun us. Needless to say it got quite expensive. We have done everything in our power to keep every fish alive and thriving, but Petco just doesn't care! When I asked our District Manager why we aren't able to use Rid Ich or Coppersafe, she replied "It masks the symptoms. Then when someone brings it home in a non-medicated environment, the symptoms return." Here's what I heard: "Petco doesn't make money that way!" I've thought about quitting several times. But if I quit, who will step in to take my place? another prepubescent juvenile who'll assume I know nothing?
What I'm trying to say is that while most Petcos are all the same, there are a few that do try to make a difference. I completely agree that Petco should not sell live animals or fish. Of all the Petco managers and associates I know (about 20), there are only 4 that know anything about aquatic life, myself and my 3 friends. Other Petco stores call us when they have a hard time treating their tanks, or ask to send us their dying corals or fish. Can you believe the corporate office actually makes us sell anemones? I doubt there is a Petco in the country that can keep them alive. Do you think they will buy us more intense lighting? HA!
Every year, the general manager from each Petco store around the country meets for their annual "Trade Show." Each year, they discuss what each one of you are saying, and, instead of coming up with solutions, they decide which species of marine fish they want to send each Petco store with little concern with it's survivability. It's appalling.
I also have 2 Petco's within my area that are completely infested with Marine Ich yet they still attempt to sell these fish to customers that have no clue that they are sick. I spoke with a general manager as to why they are allowing sick fish to be sold. The answer I was given was that they are being treated every night. Talk about straying far away from the company vision of putting pets first and not your wallets.
You can call and make a complaint about a Petco store at
PETCO Animal Supplies, Inc.
Customer Relations Team
9125 Rehco Road
San Diego, CA 92121
Phone: 1-888-824-PALS(7257) (7 days a week)
Fax: 1-858-784-3489
I guess I'm lucky. The local Petco here has two really good employees in the fish section. Matt and Tony.. They treat any fish that is sick and even have a qt tank of there own set up out back. I have nothing but praise for these two guys. There tanks are spotless and there are no floaters. I know it isnt the norm butit could be. Rob
My wife is a manager at Petco, working in many of their stores over the past 6 years or so. We have more exsperiance with the company than I personally want.

Considering their polices and having visted many many stores the majority are doing a good job. However the ones that are not really put a black eye on the company. Basically it comes down to if the aquatic specialist is good or not. Some are bad, some are learning, and some are amazing.

I have seen managers fired on the spot for a dead feeder mouse in the display. I have picked up many small animals that cost less than $20 from the vet with bills in thousands. They have a health garentee and animals returned will be taken to the vet, it happens everyday.
My wife was almost terminated, when she was first promoted to asociate, because she went along with the vets recomendation not to preform some $3000 high risk surgery on a feeder mouse. They really do not play around.
Just this week she has personally raised over a thousand dollars in donations for a local shelter. This one store probably donates/raised 20-40k a year for local shelters.
The store she is at now does not have marine tanks, but the freshwater was horrible all quarenteened and nasty. It is much better now, people where just in over their heads and undertrained.
I will have to look into some of the the things I have read here, exspecially meister_ben. We have good freinds and aquatences in corporate and around the country. Pre-pubecents are not allowed to work at petco, you have to be 18 as of a few years ago. The best LFS here was opened by a kid straight out highschool as if that mattered anyway.
They also get their fish from the same distrubutors as everyone else, and are subject to same problems.
Well I just went to the Petco in Poughkeepsie, New York and devided to take a chance and I purchased a small peppermint shrimp for my Mini-Reef Tank. The shrimp died within 2 hours of leaving the store. All my water parameters are correct and yet nothing I purchase from Petco ever survives. I find it difficult to believe that many Local Fish Stores have near to no problems with their livestock yet Petco has an a serious issue with keeping healthy fish.
I like to go to the nearest one to me just to look around would never buy anything from them was in there a couple of weeks ago and they had like 50 small false percs in 15 gal tank they had so much ICH on them you could hardly tell what kind of fish they are its so sad to see but I am lucky I have a whole bunch of top notch LFSs near me
I was at one here in orlando and found the same thing. They had a yellow tang with something that looked like a magget growing/hanging? from its mouth. The aquarium lady, who seemed very nice and reasonably knowledgeable said they were having MAJOR issues with their fish suppliers. Said she had been there 12 hours that day just doing water changes, 100% water changes because so many fish had died. Said she had to throw away at least 2000 dead feeder fish.

It was pretty sad.
It is not surprising to me that they are ich magnets when they keep purple tangs in FIVE GALLON containers.... its the worst. Everytime I go in there, I'm so tempted to buy something to "rescue" it, but I know that is just encouraging the bad animal handling so I don't.... Its a shame. I wish they would not carry fish. Shrimp/snails/crabs/corals would be much better.
It's funny how Petco always blames their fish supplier for the issues that they are experiencing due to poor husbandry of their livestock. I doubt that their supplier is catching that many sick fish on purpose.
I have a few good LFS in my area, but have discovered that none of them can really be trusted for providing consistently reliable advice. One store with beautiful stock has consistently tried to push powder blue tangs and large angels despite my stated tank volume (75g). I actually did end up buying a beautiful triacnid after being convinced that my compact fluorescents were sufficient. Bah!
I just got a job at petco for some bank till I hear back from med school so I would like to address some of the stuff mentioned above (this is by NO MEANS a defense, I'm a hobbiest first and foremost too ). I knew that I knew more than enough to run the store from a livestock perspective and knew that I would be a valuable asset, and help save some fish in the process, and have ended up teaching everyone a lot. I walked in, told the big manager more than he knew about almost every animal in the store (which is fine, he's a manager right?), was hired immediately, and started an hour later and have been getting over 40 hours a week petco will hire good people if they can. They can't help it if an experinced hobbiest/biology student/animal expert doesn't apply (I guess $7-8 doesn't cut it, any of you want the job you can have it..the guys with marine biology degrees are spending grant money on a boat over a reef somewhere, not working at petco for under 20K a year) . I think that most managers want to keep as many animals alive as they can, but then there is a "corporate" side too. Our store has not had any ich infestations since I started, and the "dead list" has begun to shrink. (all dead fish should be removed every morning at 7AM and several times through out the day as per company policy (and as an animal lover I wouldn't have it any other way.))
I wish that I had time (or we had the employees) to allow me to spend all of my time in the fish/reptile section instead of stocking and other stuff, but I don't yet.
Also, I know it's a crappy excuse, but sometimes fish just die. We get in a shipment of several hundred fish, acclimate them, put them in the tank, feed them, keep the water decent, and some just die. I'm pretty expereinced, but I don't know much else to do..anyone else? I like to show up at LFSs when they get in their shipments to get a deposit on the good stuff, and ya know what? Some of their fish are dead too, more die within 24 hours, and some die within the week, or before they are sold...multiply that by the volume that petco's deal with and well...
Many people order online from stores with amazing reputations and one out of ten or so of those fish die too during shipping or within the week too, multiply that out? Fish are going to die; I can feed them, maintain water quality, try to medicate them, but some still die. It breaks my heart cuase I get to pick out the dead ones too...but anyway.
So, a good aquatic specialist, and an understanding, willing big manager can go a long way to making a petco a very decent fish store (no comment about the berlin skimmers and no PHs over 200GPH, or decent hydrometers for sale).
Being a hobbiest first, I have sent lots of people to my favorite LFSs for goods/livestock that we don't carry, or that they may find cheaper, and usually end up telling them they should check those stores (and RC :D) out anyway, but I am trying to make petco a better store, and give people the same level of advice I would expect to find from good members here.
Back to "corporate," which was mentioned before. Our catalog that we can order livestock from is disheartening in many ways. It included many fragile species of butterflies, goniopora, X-mas tree rocks, mandarins, and every kind of anemone (yes Ritteris and carpets) you can think of (except BTAs?). I doubt many petco stores in the nation have the capabilities to assure quality conditions for these creatures. I took the book and told all the managers what we would more than likely kill if we ordered it and could not turn it around immediately (not that immediate turn around is a good thing, I could git rid of all the Ritteris we could order if I said they lived in FW too and ate algea.)
Anyway, my favorite is that flame scallops require "high intensity full spectrum UV light :lol: ." Anyway, that's my take on petco, ours is pretty good, I'll try to help make it better, some fish are gonna die dispite my best efforts, help as many people as you can along the way, stay away from the bad ones, if you can stump the main "aquatics speicalist" then go somewhere else, or apply for a job () : )

Again, this isn't a rant, or a defense of bad petcos, just an appropiate place for me to ramble on about my new job to a group of people that care and for whom it is relavent. () : )



EDIT: Guess I'll keep going () : )
We've only gotten one shipment in with ich, a bag of small black moor goldfish, most were dead within 24 hours despite my efforts. And only two fish have gotten ich since I've started, 2 parrot cichlids, I took them out of the tank with oscars and they cleared up.
A manager ordered a naso, a PblueT, et al...they come in Wed. morning, I think a few of them figured that now that they had somebody that knew about SW/reef tanks they would get in all the "cool" stuff they've been missing out on. It's gonna be my job to figure out which fish go in which tanks this morning, all the lions and puffers isn't gonna make it easy :rolleyes:
I'm really worried about the powder blue.
I'm kinda disapointed...they asked me if I had anything I wanted to order and I told them "I bet we can sell some firefish/purple firefish pretty quick, some false percs, and a dwarf lion or two, a snowflake eel, a couple YWGs, and some chromis." I'm worried that we're gonna get in this huge order instead. I'm really worried about finding a customer with a 125+ tank to take that naso and 100+ for the PBT and the purple tang we already have (not to mention the 2 baby panthers we have, though every LFS in the world has a tank full of baby panthers and assorted tangs). Anyway, hopefully everything will work out great, I'm pretty sure I can make all the fish happy (I hope I can find some decent angel food for the baby koran I think we're getting though).
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I really hope we do actually get in some firefish, I was planning on useing them as "dither fish" for the purple tang cuase he's crazy shy right now and that's affecting his eating. I guess some chromis would work too though, I think damsels would beat him up.

And about the profits...I don't think I've even earned my pay in reptile/fish/drygoods sales. And I know my manager and I have dumped more chemicals into the feeder goldfish tank (the pH wants to go insanely low? Too much resperation without adiquate aireation?? Anyone?? I'm always learning too :D) than the sum of them are worth. I guess this store is a corporate tax write off () : )
Most people buy mollies/platies/swordtails, which I have zero interest in, and have never bought in all my years of fishkeeping; I wish more reef/SW people would come in (and that we sold MHs and SEIOS) everytime someone stays in front of the marine fish I ask if they have a saltwater tank, a plea in my voice () : )

Oh the worst thing I've done so far (first bagging experince) Someone stood around for a long time, making notes, considering all the fish, I assumed they were not retarded, anyway I bag them like 8 fish without thinking about it (though I did make sure they were all compatable :D). I did ask what size tank she had and she said a 55, so I was like not bad, a big biowheel, good etc etc... anyway, apparently at the checkout counter she mentioned that she still needed to add water to the tank!! I felt like crap after that, knowing that, I myself, had doomed those the moral of the story, most fish keepers are not reefcentral quality. I would like to say to assume they are idiots untill proven otherwise, but that's not true, but I hate asking every customer what size tank, and how long it's been set up etc...cuase that would tick me off if people tried that crap with me () : ) And many (not most) do seem to know exactly what they are doing (but so did "no water girl"). Like this guy comes in all the time to check the guppies, he loves guppies and knows his crap, I bag whatever he wants, no questions, but when people ask "Where are the uhmm, what do you call them? Fish cages?" Then ya got some explaining to do ya know.

Aside: Ya know all those dog cookies up front on the bar? They are above human consumption standards! And some of them taste pretty damn good!! Ask a worker for one below the bar that hasn't had hands run through it and try it, dare ya () : )
The oreo-like ones are my favorite so far () : )
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"Aside: Ya know all those dog cookies up front on the bar? They are above human consumption standards! And some of them taste pretty damn good!! Ask a worker for one below the bar that hasn't had hands run through it and try it, dare ya () : )
The oreo-like ones are my favorite so far () : )"

Yah but milk-bone brand dog biscuits are very dry and rather tasteless, almost like eating cardboard.

Oh, good job on trying to keep up the fish dept. I refuse to buy marine fish from petco. I will spend the extra money and go to my LFS where they quarantine all new arrivals for 1 week before they sell them.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6237869#post6237869 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by BeltwayBandit
Oh, good job on trying to keep up the fish dept. I refuse to buy marine fish from petco. I will spend the extra money and go to my LFS where they quarantine all new arrivals for 1 week before they sell them.

I try () : )
QT, as in a special tank before they go on display? Or QT as in they just don't sell them for a week? Cuase you can let a fish sit in any store for a week before you sell it, but that doesn't make it a QT really.

The fish order came in today...pretty big, and I handled it all by myself (for the first time), took a really long time, and it was very hectic cuase I would get called away for a price check or to get some crickets or something :rolleyes: didn't even take a lunch and stayed 45 minutes over to make sure all the noobs got fed. This was the best shipment in terms of DOAs I've seen...1 damsel (duh), 4 bumblebee gobies (duh), 2 corys, and a small clown loach.
In SW got in a huge juvi koran, got him eating pretty quick (amazing), a six-line, 2 bar gobies, and 24 damsels. Lots of stuff didn't come in, and I'm glad the PBT was one of them cuase I would hate for it to (probably) die on my watch.
Anyway, I guess I'll see how they are tommorrow when I come in () : )


I know of plenty of local fish stores that QT their new arrivals for fish for sometime more then a week. In this hobby you QT your fish before you introduce it into your display tank so why can't Petco introduce this method to ensure healthy fish are sold? Your store maybe be an oddity from the other chains Grimmjohn but the majority of Petco shouldn't be allowed to sell Marine Fish with their inhumane methods.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6238795#post6238795 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Jasonanatal
I know of plenty of local fish stores that QT their new arrivals for fish for sometime more then a week. In this hobby you QT your fish before you introduce it into your display tank so why can't Petco introduce this method to ensure healthy fish are sold?

I guess we like our fish dying in our display instead of some backroom? () : ) By the time we get the DOAs out, then the "dead within 24 hours", then a week goes by isn't that the same as QT? Just don't buy your fish at petco within a week of them coming in, then you're pretty well assured you have a trooper () : ) I'm all in favor of QTs, but it would require twice the floor space and tanks we have now, and I don't think they are going to spring for it, Petsmart doesn't either (or most LFSs), and for all I know the wholesaler QTs and we get shipped what survives.
It seems if you're worried about getting healthy livestock then just wait a week or two after fish come in (AKA QT), regardless of where you buy them, but if you actually care about the least amount of fish dying then QT doesn't really cut it on a petco level IMO. Fish either die of ich or apparently randomly (at least to a non-autopsy performing non-vet), and I haven't seen any die of ich yet, that leaves lots of random deaths. I could dump every chemical on the shelf into all of the tanks, which doesn't sound too pleasant, or we can treat the obvious signs (ich, agresssion) and pick out the ones that die overnight from something would a QT help? Prevent ich? They all have ich, every fish that goes through a wholesaler probably will get ich if you treat it like crap, some will die from it, don't treat them like crap and they don't "get" ich.

So what would a QT do:
We get in fish, fish go to a back room, treat fish for disease, some fish die, pick out dead fish; one week later, some fish better (assuming any of them had ich), some dead (assuming any of them died), some still fish still have ich or have now contracted it, and some fish fine like the day they came in (assuming they all didn't die or come down with a disease).

The other QT method: Get in fish, "fine fish" go to display, "sick fish" go into a "sick tank" (though a sick tank would be worse than euthinization in many cases and possably hundreds of individual tanks would be cost prohibitive). Anyway, "fine fish" on display still die of unknown cuases, many "sick fish" still die, and some sick fish may get healthy, and some "fine fish" will still get ich if you treat them like crap.

Petco corperate method: Get in fish, put fish on display, treat sick fish, pick out dead fish. "Fine fish" live and die, "sick fish" die or's the same thing people! Except in one it happens in a back room where your delicate constitution doesn't have to be affronted by seeing a few fish with ich or a dead fish or two that has not been picked out yet. Not that any stellar LFS has never had a dead fish in their display tank.

I'm sure that the second method might help prevent some sort of deadly plague from running rampant through the displays, but probably not becuase the "fine fish" are probably really "sick fish without symptoms." I guess we could do the second method with three levels: Sick fish, "fine looking fish," and then "fine looking fish which became sick." And then 2 months and 4 hundred tanks later we have fish we can put on display...probably the same fish that would be left 2 months after the "petco method," though there was (hopefully) never the chance to spread this deadly plague to other fish.

In conclusion, if I'm bringing a fish home to my fully stocked reef, I would QT, but from the wholesale and retail side it's totally different...every place you've ever bought you know what you are buying?? The SURVIVORS! Not the ones that died during capture, or shipment, or holding, or wholesale QT, or retail QT...the survivors. But instead of you paying for the overhead of allowing the fish to die in a back room somewhere and the survivors then being put on display, you can wait a week or two before you buy it from petco, and that will be the same as almost any other retail "QT." IMO.
Again, not a rabid defence of petco, I'm just trying to be logical...if we often had deadly plagues then it would be one thing, but the same fish from the same wholesaler are going to die no matter who they get shipped to as long as we do the best we can (food, water quality, no neons in with the oscars etc...), or am I wrong about this?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6238795#post6238795 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Jasonanatal

Your store maybe be an oddity from the other chains Grimmjohn but the majority of Petco shouldn't be allowed to sell Marine Fish with their inhumane methods.

Gotta right back