Petco Inhumanity


New member
Thought I'd post a copy of the email I just sent to petco.

"Hello,My name is Brent ----------.I am contacting you concerning the conditions which certain species are kept in your stores.I am fairly new to the saltwater/reef aquarium hobby,but I have done enough research to know the do's and don'ts of fishkeeping.
I am appalled at what I saw in your --------------- location.They had recieved a new shipment of marine fish, and they were packed in tiny holding tanks like cattle at a slaughter house.Certain species can't survive this kind of abuse.Tangs, in particular are very intolerent of such treatment. I saw about 25 tangs in one very small holding tank. I felt pity for them, as they were literally killing one another in such tight confines.Tangs, or sugeonfish, are also mainly herbivores, and they were all emaciated from lack of food.I know that it was a new shipment of fish that they just received, however you are also responsible for knowing where these fish come from, how they are caught, how they are kept and how they are handled.Out of my desire to try to "save" some of these fish, I purchased 3 tangs to bring home to my established reef aquarium.The "associate" employee who came to "assist me with my purchase" is very unqualified to handle any saltwater fish.She promptly got a small net, and began thrashing about in the aquarium, trying to catch the fish,and in the process obviously injured several fish. After about 10 minutes of doing this, I asked if I could assist her ( and try to catch the animals in a way that would be humane and not stressful.)She responded that she could get in trouble if she let me help.I immediately began to regret my decision to buy these fish, as I realized that I was supporting the capture and harsh treatment of more fish to replace the ones that I "rescued".
I'm happy to say that 2 of the 3 are making a recovery and appear to be very happy.However one specimen- a small Naso Tang-did not recover from the harsh treatment.
I would like to ask that you please be more conscious of what you are doing to these beautiful creatures. The keeping of these wild caught animals is not easy,and is not to be taken lightly.You, as a corporation are of course concerned about the bottom line- making a dollar.But there is a responsibility that we all have to make sure that we do all we can to be humane to these animals and make sure that they live long,healthy,happy lives in captivity.
If you wish to continue selling marine fish, you should at the very least, make sure the animals are handled and cared for PROPERLY while at and before they get to your store; educate your employees and handlers about these animals and how to do their job in a proper manner, i.e. keeping fish in seperate tanks, handling,and feeding them. Better still, replace the small holding tanks with larger tanks so the fish won't be so stressed while at your store, and educate the consumer before considering a purchase.Or pehaps you should reconsider your venture into the marine livestock business.
Untill some steps are taken to remedy the situation, I will not step foot back in your facility. Whats more I will make everyone else I know and some I don't know aware of the problems I have seen.
Thank you for your time.
Brent ----------"
If you really want to get some where with this, send it to specific people such as CEO, COO, Regional/District Manager etc. Cant say if anything will really change, but you will at least get a bit more attention.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6416794#post6416794 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by soulja221
has anyone ever contacted peta?

Peta are you kidding..........Peta dosen't approve of any captive fish or animals for that matter. What would that do to help?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6416732#post6416732 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by snowridr
If you really want to get some where with this, send it to specific people such as CEO, COO, Regional/District Manager etc. Cant say if anything will really change, but you will at least get a bit more attention.
Give me a link or an adress and I'll send it. They don't exactly list a complaint dept. on their web site.
You know, if they kept their puppies and birds in the same conditions, someone would be in jail.
your best bet for finding that info is check out their investor relations area of their website. the top people will be mentioned there, as far as regional/district managers, call the store and say you want to send a email or card the bosses boss ( you could lie and say for something great if you think that will help - other wise they may try blocking your access to them)
<img src="/images/welcome.gif" width="500" height="62"><br><b><i><big><big>To Reef Central</b></i></big></big>

Good luck with trying to change them. They dont care about what they carry except for the money they bring in like stated. They will probably just throw the letter away and not give a car in the world.
Brent, that was a great letter. I really hope it goes somewhere. But I have one word for you........corporation. They really don't care about anything except making money. It's the mom and pop LFS' that care......the small time ones. I know exactly how you feel. The only thing we can do is not shop there.

Last week my wife and I went into one because one of her students gave her a $20 gift card for PetCo for Christmas. We bought a few small toys for one of our birds. Of course, we walked over to the saltwater tanks just to look and were absolutely horrified. I won't go into detail but I will say that I had to leave immediately.

Good luck with your letter. I really hope it does go somewhere.

IÃ"šÃ‚´m so glad thereÃ"šÃ‚´s people out there like you, that take a second to think on all the bad stuff we can be causing to ecosystems and organisms by buying to these type of stores. IÃ"šÃ‚´m sure that what your doing is worth it since many of us will be more careful in where we buy ous fishes and other organisms.

Every time someone asked me where I buy my fishes, I always send them to responsible LFS (Not many by the way) this way the other LFS wonÃ"šÃ‚´t sell much until they understand what a hobbyist expects regarding to organisms health.

You might also point out the fact that with proper care, their profits would go up due to less loss due to dead fish. They pay wholesale for every fish, coral whatever that arrives. If they had less loss due to proper care then the bottom line would still be bigger at the end of the accounting cycle. Not to mention they would then have quality livestock which would bring in even more customers as we reefers usually tell our friends, neighbors or anyone else we meet that the store or that store has quality livestock, just as we pass the word on which stores do not have quality livestock.

JM .02 worth
they do not care I used to work for them, all they care about keeping low staff with low hours and crapping on there employes. Don't even bother trying to send that letter unless you know some coprate d**k that has a way to go behind some's back to move up there coprate latter. Coprate wh***s that could give 3 poops about animals.
I think it's admirable that you want to save some of these fish but for every one they sell they will order several more (since they kill several for each one they sell). The one here is atrocious, brooklynella is literally dissolving the fish on one rack and the other is packed with ich and fungus covered tangs, cowfish, wrasses, angels, eels, lions etc. All but 2 clowns are dead, and they are shredded and laying on the bottom. It's horrible. Buying the fish is a bad bad thing because it encourages them and all they care about is the sale, you won't get your money back after the associate scrapes all the scales off one side of the fish trying to net it... they don't know squat about fish for the most part and a friend with decades of fish experience went to work there for christmas, they put him in charge of tearing up boxes and cleaning in the back room because they don't want real aquarists on the floor-they would refuse to sell the fish. Telling a customer not to mix hostile species or overcrowd a tank is called "downselling" and grounds for termination, thus our local store sold a lady a queen angel for her 10 gallon freshwater tank, another lady bought 100 fish for her 10 and a guy bought an anemone, 2 clowns, a naso and mandarin for his 10. They don't care, they are not allowed to put qualified people on the floor because those people wouldn't make such high dollar sales.
Best bet is to stay out of there, or bring a friend who can restrain your impulse to rescue. I know several people steal them too, they stick the fish in their pockets and buy something small so they can be seen checking out. I have no comment on that... :) If you bring a friend you can do what I do. Loudly proclaim "WOW, WOULD YOU LOOK AT THOSE SICK FISH!!! You can't cure THAT with ANYTHING and it will wipe out your WHOLE TANK!" Repeat for as long as you can stand it.
I usually get driven out by nemo screechers, the little kids who scream GIVE ME NEMO!!! to their parents at ear splitting sanity destroying tones. This from someone who keeps a parrot and enjoys being in front of the speakers at punk shows.
They usually start crying when they see nemo there.
PETA is a JOKE! If it were up to them we would have NO pet stores and NO aquariums.Just commit yourself to NEVER set foot in that store again and try to convince others to do the same.
If you go to you will find links where you can e-mail your letter to.

Believe it or not but you will recieve a reply back from Petco. I did this and got involved in a long back and forth e-mail 'relationship' with a Petco regional manager and he even called me at home to talk about my concerns.

He visited the store and they were going to make changes and he offered me a Petco gift certificate which I refused because I'm more concerned about animal welfare than what I can get from them.

I don't shop at Petco because they have horrible animal husbandry but I had to go in there once when my tank burst a seam and Petsmart didn't have the size tank that I needed. This was after they had made changes at the Petco but when I had quick look at the saltwaterfish dept, they had dead fish and sick fish floating in the tanks. Same old same old.
Yeah, I have raised a ruckus via email a couple times with petco and petsmart and in the cases where I checked they did immediately improve a few things... temporarily. Petsmart is NO BETTER though. If you love birds you won't love them. They also sell fish that get to be 15 inches long for 10 gallon tanks. Both stores should be prohibited from selling any livestock.
I think if PETA really wanted to get things done they would buy all the stock in such companies they can get til they have a majority and then vote to eliminate livestock. Nothing gets mountains moved like being in the boardroom.
But yeah Peta doesn't give a rip about fish, especially freshwater. A lot of them call themselves vegetarian while eating fish.
I commend you for turning down the gift certificate! Sometimes I buy birdseed there just because I can't get it elsewhere without a 30 minute drive. Small towns suck. I have a monday night meeting next door to Petco, if in the mood I go in and educate their customers :) But I have to also admit I haven't seen any horror in there I haven't seen at most independent stores. One box store in Portland OR had desicated iguana corpses (plural) on display as for sale, the staff didn't even notice the places where the flesh had rotted off or the odd poses they assumed when they fell. But there was an independent store in Portland that had dead birds all over the place, rotting. The latter got shut down, the former got a remodel and expansion.
Petco by me recently started carrying corals too. They have leathers, Zoas and Mushrooms on chunks of live rock. They toss these rocks into the fish tanks with normal output flourescent and none of them look good at all.

Their marine fish are always in bad shape and the corals in the tanks look equally as bad.

Unfortunately, by "saving" their fish and corals you increase their sales numbers which makes them order more fish/corals to kill. When I am in Petco (which isn't very often) I just look in the tanks and walk away shaking my head at the poor guys that I know will end up dead most likely.

Worst I saw was a 4-5" Naso tang swimming frantically back and forth in a 10 gallon tank. Sad.
"rescuing" the fish does not help at all...its just making space for them to cram a few more pruple tangs or clown fish into a puney 10 gallon:(