
Couple of Pics

Couple of Pics

Here are some pics of the coral frag tank at a local Petco. Not all employees/stores neglect the needs of their animals. Most of the employees here are very knowledgable. A picture IS worth a thousand words...


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Wow...that tank looks way better than any at my LFS. My petco is totally crappy and only sells a few diseased and dying damsels and snails. You are so lucky that you have a petco with a good SW department, most of us do not have a good petco.
I had one in my area that was really really good that went down hill fast. I think some of the key employees left and found other jobs. It now looks like every other Petco with diseased and dying fish & corals. The reef display (150g cube) has a full grown hippo tang with the worst HLLE I have ever seen. I wanted to buy that fish so I could heal it, but it wasn't for sale.
Why don't you volunteer at that store and teach them how to do it right.

I have a local store near me and they no longer sell saltwater fish but the freshwater filtration setup they have is a sump style. One of the return lines came apart and a whole wall of tanks quit working and none of the employees on shift knew how to fix it or even how it worked. Instead of getting mad at the situation I stayed and fixed it for them.

i would love to go over n volunteer heck even teach em a things or two but things is wat paid employer going to take advice or being told wat to do from someone who is volunteer? i know i wouldnt let a customer tell me how to do my job and would you? :blown: lol just saying
the rub on petco is the department has a budget, guy has to sell fish, make $ to buy more fish, gear etc... I asked him how often he could just sell a $20 Oscar to a ding dong who had no clue.. he said multiple times a day... so as you said, case by case... none should have SW in my opinion though
we dont all suck, but some of us have reefers that are passionate about the hobby... i personally have gotten in trouble for trying to make our system better with better protein skimmers and lighting. we are a corporation, so are restricted on what we can do. I know some lfs around here that do way worse than us, we aren't focused on making money in that department, thats not payin our rent. That said we have had atleast 3 customers in the past month come in sayin they got a 5.5 gallon aquarium from a lfs that had a clownfish, condy and a bubble bar for air... a different lfs sold a guy i sold a biocube to and i told him to cycle the tank, a week later he comes in showin me pics of his tank, mixed coral tank that he spent over 1k on corals... in a 29 biocube that was running pc's. same lfs sold a lady some t5s and she came in looking for another fixture like it, went to her trunk and the box said on it for freshwater planted tanks, 6500k bulbs, so ur lfs can be worse than petco, they make their money from sellin to newbs... we make our money from dog food, our business doesn't depend on how much saltwater we sell. some stores have more passionate people in the dept, so dont base us on some bad stores or employees that dont know much
that said, i got a beautiful torch coral from a new shipment we got in, about 6 heads for $60, the guy i buy from normally has a torch that is about same coloration, mine was a lil greener, he paid $60 for one head. i think our vendors dont know what they have, so sometimes u can find great deals... word of advice find out they arrival day and time and buy it from the bag. corporate thinks drip acclimation is more stressful so we are not allowed to drip, a 4 inch hippo tang for $40 is a steal, sometimes they will give a discount buyin from the bag, we do!!!
The one here in Miami, off of 107th ave near FIU is pretty good. They only sell juvenile tangs and sell anemones, and some shrimps. Nothing too fancy or too big. They have a large freshwater section but all the fish are pretty healthy for the most part. For having over a thousand fish coming in weekly or so, its pretty good to keep that many alive. Or maybe they are super stealthy and remove dead fish the moment they croak. I really have no complaints. Same applies to the Petsmart here.
I was thinking the exact samething yesterday when i had to get salt from petco...was wishing they werent allowed to keep saltwater...they had a grand opening 3months ago and they had saltwater fish when they 1st opened(didnt let tanks cycle) like 4-5days later went in all the saltwater fish tanks were empty with insane figure they more than likely died off
I have seen a LFS with a blue tang in a 2.5 gallon tank and well I just walked right out. A few days later it was gone. That is all the problems I have ever had with an LFS but I still dont shop there. Mine has a bunch of ten gallon and twenty gallon tanks worked together and it doesent even sell tangs.
We had a PETCO her that sold some one a fish for well below what they paid for it(mis named) once the manager found out and the couple come back in the manager asked if they could bring it back.

I wish I even had a PETCO to go to, all stores that have dealt with saltwater have closed up shop so the closest one to me is over an hour away.
Here are some pics of the coral frag tank at a local Petco. Not all employees/stores neglect the needs of their animals. Most of the employees here are very knowledgable. A picture IS worth a thousand words...

Wow the only thing my petco ever has coral wise...which they never really have everrrrrr is green mushrooms & ugly zoas way over priced
Gotta be a Petco by Petco thing. Long ago I saw some live rock at my local one with aiptasia on it that they were selling to unwitting customers (actually priced by the amount of aiptasia). Well I need aiptasia to feed to nudibranchs so I went there last week and was too early so waited in my car for an hour, finally they opened and I went it looking for aiptasia and they had only really nice LR with not a single aiptasia. Long ago their fish were in horrible shape, now they had all nice looking fish and not a single dead one anywhere. Something must have changed because it is sooo much better than it used to be. There was a niger trigger I would have loved but I don't have a large tank. So I went home with nothing after waiting an hour. Was glad to see it's not so dank and crappy anymore like it used to be though.

Oh and they had nice corals and nems too. I was kind of shocked.
Gotta be a Petco by Petco thing. Long ago I saw some live rock at my local one with aiptasia on it that they were selling to unwitting customers (actually priced by the amount of aiptasia). Well I need aiptasia to feed to nudibranchs so I went there last week and was too early so waited in my car for an hour, finally they opened and I went it looking for aiptasia and they had only really nice LR with not a single aiptasia. Long ago their fish were in horrible shape, now they had all nice looking fish and not a single dead one anywhere. Something must have changed because it is sooo much better than it used to be. There was a niger trigger I would have loved but I don't have a large tank. So I went home with nothing after waiting an hour. Was glad to see it's not so dank and crappy anymore like it used to be though.

Oh and they had nice corals and nems too. I was kind of shocked.

haha thats funny