Petition to Ban the Aquarium Industry in Hawaii


New member

Here is a petition to sign to support the Aquarium Trade and stop the Ban movement against the Industry. Please read below and sign the petition to support a Managed Fishery in Hawaii.
As you all know we are still in a battle with snorkel Bob. A total ban passed on the county level this past week urging the state to ban the aquarium trade in Hawaii. The local state scientists(DAR) and the Dept of Land and Natural Resources says that they are comfortable with the current level of fishing, and the management plan is working. The Hawaiian aquarium fishery is the most managed fishery in the State and the world looks to Hawaii as a leader in management ideas. We currently have 33% of the coast line off limits to aquarium fisherman, we have a white list that ensures species that do not fare well in captivity and do not have high natural numbers here in Hawaii are left on the reef in the works awaiting State approval as well as a size limit that will protect the breeding sizes of yellow tangs to further ensure the sustainability of Hawaii's fish and reefs. With all of this management, the scientist stating the fishery is sustainable, and a down economy, why would you ban a fishery? Please help me to fight this battle and sign the below petition, we need numbers as the fight is going to the State level in January, all to shut down less than a 100 fisherman- based on nothing but emotional opinions. Snorkel Bob and Rene do not have facts on their side, and feel that keeping fish as pets is wrong and are against sustainable and renewable resource extraction, especially when it doesn't benefit their if you are an aquarium fisherman, or you know one, take a few seconds and sign the below link. Spouses, friends, family,co workers, employees and everyone in between are welcome and greatly appreciated.
The title of this thread reads as if you are trying to ban aquarium fish collection in Hawaii…

You may want to change it to something like

‘petition to stop the ban against the aquarium industry in Hawaii”
The title of this thread reads as if you are trying to ban aquarium fish collection in Hawaii"¦

You may want to change it to something like

"˜petition to stop the ban against the aquarium industry in Hawaii"

I realize that, but thought it would get more attention read like this. The first sentence in the post gets the point of the petition back on track.

Also...not sure how to edit the title of the thread:)

I realize that, but thought it would get more attention read like this. The first sentence in the post gets the point of the petition back on track.

The title of your thread might get it more attention, but it's pretty deceptively annoying... Why annoy people immediately before asking them to do something for you.
The title of your thread might get it more attention, but it's pretty deceptively annoying... Why annoy people immediately before asking them to do something for you.

If you agree it will get more attention, then maybe it's best to stay as is. Getting people "annoyed" when they read that is just the point! We need to take action and support the movement against the people who don't believe in Fisheries management plans. It's annoying as hell to hear some of the things our foes exaggerate about our yes, I am very annoyed:)

Again...I would change the title if I knew how. Can you or someone assist me in changing the name of the post?

Thanks again for all your support.......I support a managed you?
wow. only 104 signatures???

maybe you should provide a list of the many animals that will be affected by this ban. i think that most people don't realize how many of our tank inhabitants actually come from this area.
wow. only 104 signatures???

maybe you should provide a list of the many animals that will be affected by this ban. i think that most people don't realize how many of our tank inhabitants actually come from this area.

104? Well, hopefully we can do better than that. This is only the first day of getting the word let's get crackin!

Everyone please click the facebook link and share! We need to show support!
Also, there's a poll on the Kona newspaper's website about the proposed fish ban. Please answer it if you have the time:

None of the options are very good, but the best one is "it's a waste. resolutions are not law and it's not their business anyways". The responses to the poll were fairly balanced until Snorkel Bob started publicizing it to his followers on Facebook yesterday.

For more background on this whole issue, see the following article in Coral Magazine:
Congratulations. You have successfully signed the petition:
Stop the Hawaiian Fishing Ban
You are signer #192 [?]

If you agree it will get more attention, then maybe it's best to stay as is. Getting people "annoyed" when they read that is just the point! We need to take action and support the movement against the people who don't believe in Fisheries management plans. It's annoying as hell to hear some of the things our foes exaggerate about our yes, I am very annoyed:)

Again...I would change the title if I knew how. Can you or someone assist me in changing the name of the post?

Thanks again for all your support.......I support a managed you?

You're absolutely right Eric, and my apologies for the attitude it was just one of those loooooong days yesterday that unfortunately overflowed through no fault of anyone's but my own. I hope things are well!
You're absolutely right Eric, and my apologies for the attitude it was just one of those loooooong days yesterday that unfortunately overflowed through no fault of anyone's but my own. I hope things are well!

Organism, I appreciate that and thank you for your post. I hope together as a united voice we can get through some of these user conflict issues that have been haunting us in Hawaii for decades! I was thinking on the way home how we could put our heads together and build a National Aquarium Society that would be the united voice. How awesome would it be to have a million or more members? Maybe all these forum groups could promote such a unified association? Or is there already one we could support?