Petition to Ban the Aquarium Industry in Hawaii

#406.... What motivated me to sign this petition, was a comment that Dr. MAC made at my local reef club's meeting regarding the impending ban.
Congratulations. You have successfully signed the petition:

Stop the Hawaiian Fishing Ban

You are signer #420 [?]
Congratulations. You have successfully signed the petition:
Stop the Hawaiian Fishing Ban
You are signer #473
I'm going to take a stab that many of you haven't been to Hawaii, or better yet... aren't from Hawaii. I don't know much about Snorkel Bob and his claims but I for one definitely support the ban on exporting wildlife. Hawaii has seen a major decrease in the population of their marine fauna (obviously there are lots of factors to blame, but some are easier to restrict than others) and although marine reefer's may "miss out" on owning a rare/"purdy" fish, I think it's better to miss out on that fish in the aquarium then altogether. But obviously this is an aquarium forum, so my perspective is the minority. :)
IMO, Hawaiians should decide how to manage their natural resources. I'm not one, so don't plan to sign a petition either way.
Overall demand for marine fishes remains the same, supply drops causing prices to go up, which motivates increased collection from areas and countries with less progressive and protective collection regulations putting pressure on other species.

I'm for stricter collection practices Just my opinion but often times marine fish are viewed as disposble, "Its cheap, if it dies, I'll just buy another to replace it." - heard a hundred times from other people in the hobby. However, an outright ban is not the answer.
I agree with the petition but Im not signing as I am not from nor have ever been to Hawaii. That's for Hawaiians to decide.

I do want to say though that many people will read the title of this thread and just skip past it. I almost did.
This was brought up in another site I visit and the bottom line is... Personal ajendas, opinions, and lots of misinformation are being used to promote their ideas. The facts are... Hawaiian fisheries are well maintained and sustainable !! Some species are even on the rise !! We should not allow a few folks with personal ajendas to ruin the hard work of those involved in the maintanence of the Hawaiian fisheries. Which by the way will inevitably hurt our Hobby. Please be proactive and sign the petition. SPREAD THE WORD TO THOSE WHO CARE.
#598...Outright ban just encourages the absolute stripping of those reefs not barredd from collection. Perhaps imposing hiatuses on collection to allow for populations to rebound is the best alternative.
and left this comment.

The Aquarium hobby is beneficial to the reefs and their inhabitants of not only Hawaii but throughout the world. This hobby has raised my personal awareness of the fragility of these ecosystems. We can all contribute to nature by researching how we can further take pressure off these environments by propagating our own corals and breeding out own fish to reach a more sustainable future.
Has anyone here ever been to Hawaii?


I'm going to take a stab that many of you haven't been to Hawaii, or better yet... aren't from Hawaii. I don't know much about Snorkel Bob and his claims but I for one definitely support the ban on exporting wildlife. Hawaii has seen a major decrease in the population of their marine fauna (obviously there are lots of factors to blame, but some are easier to restrict than others) and although marine reefer's may "miss out" on owning a rare/"purdy" fish, I think it's better to miss out on that fish in the aquarium then altogether. But obviously this is an aquarium forum, so my perspective is the minority. :)

I have to disagree this isn't what I have seen unless you only go to the heavily snorkeled tourists areas then those reefs are ravaged indeed :thumbdown

This is no different a fishery than Florida or even foreign countries, Hawaii has some of the strictest guidelines already and always have the healthiest fish compared to other countries why? because they always follow collection guidlines and use safe fish collection methods.

this is not a legal issue on protecting the environment, they just want aquariums in general banned if they could.

This was brought up in another site I visit and the bottom line is... Personal ajendas, opinions, and lots of misinformation are being used to promote their ideas. The facts are... Hawaiian fisheries are well maintained and sustainable !! Some species are even on the rise !! We should not allow a few folks with personal ajendas to ruin the hard work of those involved in the maintanence of the Hawaiian fisheries. Which by the way will inevitably hurt our Hobby. Please be proactive and sign the petition. SPREAD THE WORD TO THOSE WHO CARE.

this ^
Snorkel Bob contributes more to the destruction of reefs in Hawaii than the aquarium trade. His renting of equipment to ill-informed tourists who stand on, touch and further harm the reef is far more damaging than the collection of fish by those who depend on this as the source of their income.

Down with Snorkel Bob, from someone who is actually from Hawaii.