PFO minipendants


New member
Jeremy -

My minipendants arrived today :D how can I mount them to the lid? I could put the metal eyelets in place and put hooks in the canopy top, but this wouldn't seem very stable when the canopy lid was opened. Also, can the VHO mount beside the MH directly to the lid, even though that will place them about 4" higher than the bottom of the pendants (and within 1/2 " of, sideways)? Is there need to make the VHOs level with the bottom of the pendants? Lastly, should they be mounted parallel to the tank front or perpendicular, or should I wait until the bulbs arrive and see which distributes light best? Thanks for all your (and Cory's)
help. BTW, the Tunze replicates Isabell in my 55G! I love it!
Hey Jason,

What I did was take the little eye screws that come with them and use those as the mounting hardware. Drill a couple holes through the top of your canopy that line up with the pendant holes, then run the eye screws down through there, into the pendants. That should hold them in place just fine, even when raising the lid. I would mount the pendants perpendicular to the front of your tank, as that will probably give you the best overall spread from left to right. No problem on having the VHO's so close to the pendants as far as heat goes. What I would do is take some 1"x2"s and cut four little rectangles. Mount these to inside of your canopy at the height you would want your VHO's, about an inch lower than the bottom of the pendant. This will give you something to mount the endcap mounts to in the canopy. Let us know if you have anymore questions!

Thanks again for the order!
It's okay to mount them flush to the underside of the lid, then? They won't get too hot? Thanks again. Oh, and what's with Icecap only sending 2 bolts with each fan??
For the record I have to tell you that you need to put some space inbetween them for air to move in that small area. I can tell you that we have ours at the shop, and when I had mine at home, mounted right up to wood on the top of the canopy with no problems. Premium Aquatics does not recommend this method though.