Ph calibrating


New member
hello all. i got my profilux months ago and after a move i am ready to set it up. i am wondering if someone who has one can walk me through calibrating a new Ph sensor..

also where in your sump you have the little guy placed.

cheers BBB
Its very easy to calibrate. Just scroll down to Ph on the profilux controller, and select it. Just follow the controller as it prety much walks you thru it. Rinse the probe between solutions and make sure the Ph is the same as it is on the controller as it is on the solutions.
Its really easy.
Ph Calibration Tolerence

Ph Calibration Tolerence

I calibrated my probe last night, and it seems to be working fine. I was just wondering what is the difference between "calibration tolerences". I tried 1 to start but it said it was out of range. Ended up using 2. Is this the difference between the two types of solution? Ph7, and Ph9?

No - ALL probes have a tolerance range. It just means yours has a tolerance value of 2. As the probe degenerates with age the tolerence level will rise.