pH Meter for Fresh Water, will this work?

I don't think that particular model has a pH probe but in general the Hanna probes are OK. Also if you are interested in salinity/conductivity also, I would check the specs to make sure it goes to seawater range 53mS or 53,000 microsiemens.
The DiST5 does not read pH. It only does conductivity, TDS, and temperature.
The pH probe handheld Hannas are OK. Also see PinPoint pH probes.

The Hanna multi-handhelds have automatic temp correction as does PinPoint, I believe, for pH.

The Hanna handheld conductivity does not extend to the seawater range.
The pHep 5 is a fine choice of a handheld unit. Use two point calibration if you get it.

I prefer larger units that can be left in the water 24/7, however, so I can read it at a glance as I pass by.