PHA is produced by bacteria under anaerobic conditions when using acetate........

Trying to wrap my head around this article. ;)

How are the implications provided in this article related to using a solid biopellet like PHA for reducing nitrate?

Denitrification in recirculating systems:
Theory and applications
Jaap van Rijn a,*, Yossi Tal b, Harold J. Schreier b,c

From it in part:

"4. Denitrifiers and phosphate removal
Enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR)
from domestic wastewater in activated sludge plants is
accomplished by alternate stages, where sludge is
subjected to anaerobic and aerobic conditions.
Phosphorus is released from bacterial biomass in
the anaerobic stage and is assimilated by these bacteria
in excess as polyphosphate (poly-P) during the aerobic
stage. Phosphorus is removed from the process stream
by harvesting a fraction of the phosphorus-rich
bacterial biomass (Toerien et al., 1990). Some of
these polyphosphate accumulating organisms (PAO)
are also capable of poly-P accumulation under
denitrifying conditions, i.e. with nitrate instead of
oxygen serving as the terminal electron acceptor
(Barker and Dold, 1996; Mino et al., 1998). Studies on
poly-P accumulating organisms have revealed the
involvement of specific metabolic properties under
anaerobic, aerobic and anoxic conditions (Mino et al.,
1998). Under anaerobic conditions, acetate or other
low molecular weight organic compounds are converted
to polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA), poly-P and
glycogen are degraded and phosphate is released.
Under aerobic and anoxic conditions, PHA is
converted to glycogen, phosphate is taken up and
poly-P is synthesized intracellularly. Under the latter
conditions, growth and phosphate uptake is regulated
by the energy released from the breakdown of PHA.

Some heterotrophic denitrifiers exhibit phosphorus
storage in excess of their metabolic requirements
through poly-P synthesis under either aerobic or
anoxic conditions, without the need for alternating
anaerobic/aerobic switches (Barak and van Rijn,
2000a). Unlike PAO, these denitrifiers were unable
to use PHA as an energy source for poly-P synthesis
and derived energy from oxidation of external carbon
sources. The feasibility of this type of phosphate
removal was demonstrated for freshwater as well as
marine recirculating systems (Barak and van Rijn,
2000b; Shnel et al., 2002; Barak et al., 2003; Gelfand
et al., 2003). In the culture water of these systems,
stable orthophosphate concentrations were found
throughout the culture period. Phosphorus immobilization
took place in the anoxic treatment stages of the
system where it accumulated to up to 19% of the
sludge dry weight."
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"PHA is converted to glycogen"

Glycogen is a starch from my understanding and will easily break down into glucose. Dosing glucose in a reef tank from my experience causes bacteria blooms. Could this be related to the many blooms that hobbyists experience when using these biopellets. Perhaps this is just a stretch and nothing to it, but when you supply pure PHA in a reactor that is a lot of PHA compared to what may be produced by using acetate by bacteria in anaerobic conditions. I assume PCL would be converted to glycongen by bacteria as well. :)
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I doubt the glycogen is released into the water though. It will mostly be staying inside the bacteria as an energy reserve.

What it does say to me is that under these conditions the bacteria are accumulating an excess of stored up energy. I can see how this energy availability could be involved in driving a bloom.
The analogy is a well supplied army versus a starving army. The one with plenty of food reserves is going to mount the more effective invasion.
Yes, anaerobic conditions exist in the bacterial biofilms that are formed on the surface of the pellets. After the biofilms grow enough, parts of the biofilm slough-off into the water column where they are exported.

Picture a biofilm like this. A bacteria may average around 1-10 microns in diameter. Bacteria attach to the biopellet and then start to multiply stacking one on type of another. Other bacteria can incorporate into this biofilm as well. Soon you can have a stack of bacteria 60 high which may be only 60 microns high. The human eye can only see down to around 60 microns in size. This may be a very small biofilm but with 60 bacteria high packed closely together oxygen has a hard time getting into this stack. To make things more complicated bacteria secret a plastic type substance around each other and this biofilm will prevent certain things like oxygen and other materials from entering. So you can see that oxygen can have a hard time entering the recesses of this biofilm.

What happens when there is not enough flow through the reactor is the bacterial biofilm will grow to a point where it contacts other biofilms on other pellets and then many pellets can become glued together by these Biofilm secreted plastics (like glue).
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A microscopic picture of a bacterial bioflim forming: Notic the scale at the bottom right for 4 microns (4 μm)

We can only see down to about 60 micron size particles. ;)

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Thanks for the explanation Cliff. I didn't realize the extent of the build-up. Your explanation was great. Even I could understand it!
This picture is an electron micrograph of the surface of activated carbon. Notice the scale for 2 microns. You can see how activated carbon provides really nice niches for bacteria to attach. The surface area is greatly increased over what the biopellets provide for bacterial attachment. Greater surface area provides higher populations of bacteria. Which material (GAC or biopellets) would provide greater possibilities for nitrate removal provided ample carbon and food sources are provided?



For example using acetate (vinegar) as a carbon source and using actived carbon as a media to grow the bacteria on. ;)


For comparison this is a micrograph of the surface of a PHA pellet:

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