Philippine Coral Reefs Affected by Global Warming

I sat between the Lini director and the director of the Les Village co-operative director [ Telepak} at a Marine Ornamentals conference in Las Vegas IN 2005 and they had so much bad history that they wouldn't even speak to each other.

It stemmed from Linis chief [ then MAC country co-ordinator] stealing trained divers and claiming successful net trainings for themselves.
The Les guy said he put years into the trainings and didn't want to lose them to people who had done nothing but cut and paste the good work of others.

Well, I know he was the one telling the truth because the net training in Les was what I did and the netting materials were brought in by the organization AMDA.

Its flattering though to produce something valueable enough to be stolen
If you are interested in the history of aquarium fishing reform in the region, check out the link below and see what the new Lini stuff came from.
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I apologize if I have offended you in some way...this is a sensitive topic to many. I am well aware of greenhouse gases, and I do not get scientific information from fox news. My background makes me more than qualified to speak to these issues.

Do humans impact the global environment? Yes!

Does burning fossil fuels introduce greenhouse gases into the atmosphere? Yes!

IS climate (and consequently weather) in a constant state of flux? YES!

Is the ocean home to some of the oldest life forms on the planet? YES!

Have these organisms survived global climate changes in the past? YES!

Is a bleaching event tragic? Yes!

Will these bleached reefs recover??? Based on a few billion years of existence and evolution and temperature changes and chemistry changes and so on...YES!

Now, I will not question anyone on this forum about their so-called scientific sources. It is the duty of every one of us to find information on our own. Let's not get caught up in bickering over who's facts are more factual. All I'm saying is that oil spills, chemical pollutants, cyanide fishing, dynamite coral fragging, etc. etc. are doing more harm to the world's reefs than my F-150 ever will. One day, humans will be gone, temperatures and climate will still fluctuate, and Nemo will still live happily on his reef.

Extremely well said. As a scientist who has made a personal study of global warming it amazes and concerns me about how much people "know" about "global warming". At least there heart's are in the right place...