phoenix on an 250 oceanlight pendant... how do you like it

Nemo G:
Any links to the report that Sanjay put out for the geisman coral bulb. Also keep us posted on how you like it. I am thinking of switching to Geismann when my current bulb dies.
am I blind or something. I love my Phoenix bulbs and they have been running for almost 9 months. It is time to change them but i think i"m going phoenix again, I just love the way it makes things look.
ok, giesemann megachrome coral "preview". its now on its second day firing, for a total of about 8 hours. its sitting on over a 55g that curing rock.

prelim conclusions.

wowsa, this thing is white and bright. actually surprising how white it is considering when i first fired it there was a tinge of green and yellow. there is a good amount of contrast sitting about 3 inches over the tank.

i think there was an error on one of the plot switching the numbers for shielding around on sanjays reef lighting info page.

heres the link to a review article where the giesemann is tested with other bulbs. the megachrome coral unshielded was 126 with the shielded still great at 101:

and which has what i think is the correclty labeled plot:

<img src=""/>

and heres the aforementioned plot that i think is incorrectly labeled as shielded (source:

<img src=""/>

dont worry about the incorrect 13k label, he already stated somewhere in a post here on rc that it was mis-labled.
So back to the Phoenix 14k......How does it look on an electronic ballast as opposed to an HQI? I think I am going to buy a set of EVC ballasts. They seem to have the highest PAR for most bulbs on an electronic.
Actually I didnt forget about it... I just didnt remember what the title of it was and it was a while back :P. Thx for the link! I think you may have convinced me to just go with electronics. I really want to replace my 4 of my 6 T5s and use two of these with 2 of the new UVL Super Actinics.

Why? I though your t-5's were doing so go for you ?Remember you were telling me in another thread that we don't realize the power of the darkside( T5's) ;)

2 quotes from you :D what has changed?

"Personally i dont think its worth switching from T5 to MH or from MH to T5. Both are great and have thier stregths and weaknesses. T5 can grow SPS just as good and better in some cases than MH. MH just plain looks better IMO because of the shimmer effect, but it is more expensive to operate. Even though T5 has more bulbs, they are only $20/ea as compared to $60+ for MH bulbs. They also run alot cooler and use a little over half the watts for a similar amount of light (when compared to 250w)"

and this one .

"Another person who doesnt know the power of T5s......T5 WILL do just as good as most MH setups. Unless your running 400w bulbs, T5 is easily just as good if not better. Personally I dont think 400w is even needed unless your running a high kelvin bulb anyway or you have a super deep tank that you want SPS on the bottom. T5s, even normally driven will grow any SPS out there. If you overdrive them then they are even stronger (I personally dont think you even need to in 90% of the cases). My 75g has 6x54w T5s normally driven, and my tank is damn near the brightest tank I have ever seen. Its a hell of alot brighter, atleast 2-3x as bright as a 2x250w 14k tank"
I have 2 reasons I am switching. First, I really like the look of the halide shimmer.....Second, I think the colors you get with halide are just different. I think you tend to get deeper/rich colors than you get with T5 which tend to be "pastel" in color. My corals have all grown VERY well under T5 and my tank looks great. I am just looking for a change and I have money to burn. Do I NEED to switch to MH? Heck no I dont....its just a matter of preference.

Nothing I said above is different. I still believe 100% of what I said above....Which is why I am going to have both T5 and MH :). With the new T5 Superactinic which looks great IMO, add those to some Phoenix bulbs and I think everything will flouresce like crazy, and grow at a decent rate as well.