phosban reactor media?

Eric, when I did something similar with Phosban my ALK went from 4.0 meg/dl to 2.5 overnight. If it works for you then great, but be careful.
i think i dont wanna wait for the shipping time with rowaphos so ive decide to pick up what ever i can locally and when its time to change it out ill go the rowaphos route.... what brand and where should i get it?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11781029#post11781029 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ReefWreak
Yea RowaPhos is definitely the best in the business, but it's expensive as heck too. it's all about priorities.

Is this just your opinion or is it based on some sort of study?

I'm not looking for an arguement here. It's just that is a pretty bold statement.

I've used Rowa with success and I've also used bulk GFO with success. They both remove phosphates.

Now hobby grade phosphate test kits is a subject for debate.
I believe that I read somewhere that ROWA has stripped systems clean, faster enough than phosban and other dry GFOs.

I'll be honest, I can't cite a study, or remember a thread, but all I know from what I've gathered from the vastness of reefcentral, is that more often than not, people have stated that ROWA works faster and better (though I'm not sure about total capacity) than Phosban, bulk, etc.

Maybe it has to do with why it comes wet instead of dry? Who knows.

Maybe check out Jetcat's thread about the GFO removing time periods. I'm sure someone mentions ROWA in there.....
Like I said before, I wasn't (and still am not) looking for an arguement.

It just strikes me as odd sometimes when you read a post that sounds like the "ultimate truth" when more times than not it is simply someone passing on info that they have "heard" or "read".

The internet is full of it and I'll have to admit that I'm just as guilty as the next at passing on something I've "read" to be the gospel truth. (simply because I believed it)

Personally - I don't care which PO4 absorber works better or faster. I don't use enough of it to make a difference.
Fair enough. Whatever you use, just don't use Alumina based phosphate remover :) Can we agree on that?

Otherwise, GFO is GFO, just different grinds of it...
agreeing with reefwreak, i also read the report that rowaphos works the best, but i think it wasnt a HUGE win over phosban etc.

been running phosban for a while, good enough for me, 0 algae. never bothered testing for phosphates.

i honestly would like to switch to something cheaper as i think ferric oxide is ferric oxide no matter what label it has, maybe the grain size and shape has alot to do with its absorbtion properties tho. but if it works in 2 minutes or 2 days, doesnt really matter to me as long as it works. its always nice to save money when you can.
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ok petsunlimited actually had rowaphos so thats what i got ;) the reactor is up and running !!!
Not to get back into the debate again but briefly skimming through that post I came to the conclusion that PHOsR was actually recommended over the long term. Rowa was better in the short term.

If I had a choice of something that worked faster and shorter OR slower and longer (in this hobby), I would probably go for the slower and longer as we all know sudden changes can bring about catostophic consequences.

I have no idea who jdieck is either but I'll "assume" at this point that he is an average Joe with the best of intentions and doing his best to perform some sort of testing on his own at his home. I could be wrong but the thread doesn't go into those kinds of details. This type of "home study" versus an independant lab study may or may not have come up with the same results.
I may have stumbled across the "study" that you were talking about ReefWreak.

I wasn't even looking for this but came across this site:

Now that got me to thinking about this thread. So of course, with nothing else to do at 2 am I searched for the Berlin Tech Univ site.

Found it. I went to their Research Database search engine:

Ends up being in German (wonder why). But I entered Rowaphos in the search engine figuring that it is a name that spans multiple languages.

The search came up empty.

Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmm
When running a TLF reactor, what else do you put in? If you only use a few Table spoons? That is a pretty big reactor. I have never used one, but I am installing some on my new set up and was wondering how much to put in the reactor? I have Rowaphos.

Thanks for the help.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12061774#post12061774 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by radar99
When running a TLF reactor, what else do you put in? If you only use a few Table spoons? That is a pretty big reactor. I have never used one, but I am installing some on my new set up and was wondering how much to put in the reactor? I have Rowaphos.

Thanks for the help.

Be careful with Rowaphos. It will strip your water very fast. I have about 150g total water volume and only used 2 tablespoons of Rowaphos to be safe. I change it out every month along with carbon which I put about 6 table spoons all in the same TLF reactor.


id recommend adding it slowly, 1-2 tablespoons the first week or 2, then ramp it up slowly. you can safely use the full amt, you just need to slowly acclimate your corals, you dont want a sudden drop in phophates.
chemipure elite keeps my phosphate in check.
i test for phosphate and silicate once a month and according to the saliphert test kits they are always at 0.
seems to work well so i'm keeping with it. just my experience.
i'm surprised i don't see more people using it.
on another note would it be wise to use it in a reactor?