Photoshop fun

dp reefer

New member




Change in color balances:

You can see small evidence of manipulation but if I took more than a few minutes it would be very hard to tell. Think about that next time you are buying online and cant see it in person. Obviously they're not gonna change things quite this much but I have seen a few sites that I can tell have saturated colors in pictures of their corals.
If you basically know your way in photoshop its very easy. You go to edit>adjustments>then go to hue and saturation. It works great for photos like that when there is a colorful object surrounded by alot of greys whites and blacks. HTH
I know some very basics of PS however it appears only the colors in the clam changed. Not the surrounding rock. That is what I am interested in learning.

I know you can lasso what you want to be affected. Like magnetic lasso.

Awesome pictures btw dp reefer! I love the green and magenta one.
That what im saying, if you have photos like the ones above where theres not much color in the picture besdes the object you are interested, a simple adjustment in the hue will change the color drastically while the surroundings will change minimally. If there are many colors in the background then the result wont be as realistic because there will be alot of wacky colors. in that case, you can just select the object you want to distort(select it with the pen tool or the lasso tool) and copy that section and make a new layer and paste it on the new layer above and you can mess with only that selection all you want and the layer behind wont be affected at all. HTH
Sry I posted this in general reef and forgot to respond here (where it actually matters) marino- blackthunda is right about which tool to use for a simple color change and how to isolate what pixels you want to make the change in. The other tool used is color replace, which can give some very different and cool results. Also if you use any selection tool when making drastic color change its a good idea to use the feather tool (under the select menu) otherwise the change will probably be obvious.

Heres another interesting change using just the color replace tool and not selecting just the fish (look at the reflection in the glass, even though I didn't select the fish the orange in the reflection was a slightly different hue so it wasnt changed
DP Reefer,

I decided to take your fish surfing:


Then I lost track of him, but I think I found him.


Now that's photoshop fun.
