phyto plankton, what kind of fertilizers should i use?

Chad Vossen

New member
would i be able to grow green water (phyto) useing the liquid from my skimmer?

what should i use if the skimmer juice wont work?
chemical fertilizers would get me much more dense cultures and the skimmer juice wouldnt? ill give it a try. i got some liquid fertilizer, 1 litter should last awile.
ok, please explain however. i guess i will get the stuff off that site. and use my miracle grow on my hibiscus plants (they need it just as much ).:D
Sure it will work just fine but the affects will be ever lasting. There is so much phosphate in terrestrial based fertilizers its crazy. you will have Phosphate spike which will lead to algae outbreaks and comprimise your water chemistry.

I could write about 5 pages on why not to use miracle grow but I personally would advise against it.

Do what you like, but do the right thing
I use miracle grow plant food for my phyto without any problems. Nitrates and Phosphate always 0. I dose the phyto into my refugium so the pods have first dibs on the phyto. Maybe the macro algae consumes the nutrients, but it works.
Check the copper level of your phyto if using MG. IIRC, it's got a pretty decent heavy metal content.

I agree, only use a F2 or like product. Works for me.
My understanding about the F2 formula is that it was carefully developed to be complately balanced with regard to nutrients. As a result all nutrients are depleted equally as the phyto grows. If it is not balanced then 1 nutrient will "run out" first and the growth will stop leaving a surplus of other nutrients.
In addition, as others have said, plant fertilizers could have all kinds of other stuff (like metals) that would not be desirable in a reef tank.