pic of dying clam


Active member
I would like a pic of a dying clam so that I will know if it dying or not. So that I can pull it out befoer it causes problems in the tank. thanks
Unfortunately, I have one taken on 03/18/2001 :(
This was an awesome gold/green mantle crocea.
Today, my clams are MUCH healthier- but I think we've all killed critters for one reason or another.
I lost a 2.5'' T. maxima a few weeks ago. Woke up 1 morning and saw its mantle withdrawn as the posted photos show... 30 minutes after that, the cleaner shrimp came over and started picking on it. The day before it was responsive and I gave it a good phytoplankton feeding for 15 minutes [as usual]. The death was as Knopp's "textbook case". By the time I noticed it, it was already too late...