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I am going to build a 120gallon FOWLR tank for my brother here in the next few months. It will be based around a large angelfish.
The first idea is:
Passer/Mac./Koran angelfish
4-5 Green Chromis
Splendid Dottyback

Or possibly :
Everything as above, except replace
Green Chromis with a Valentini Puffer/Toby

The only question I myself is about the Toby, and about its teeth and what to feed to keep those teeth ground down, that is quick and not a pain to feed. Also read they are bad fin nippers.
So any opinions would be most appreciated!
I have a spotted hawaiian toby and i can tell you that he is definitely a fin nipper. This little guy took perfect semi-circle chunks outta my GSM clowns fins for about the first month he was in the tank. I dont know why it only went for the clown... cause she has an attitude problem typically... but for a long time i seriously debated on whether i was going to have to take it back to the LFS. Luckily now things have subsided and the clown is completely healed up without any issues.

I feed it live clams to grind down the teeth and it also likes brown nori as well as brine shrimp. The little guy eats anything he sees the other fish eating so definitely no problems with feeding. Just be forwarned that they are notorious for nipping and dont be surprised if yours does the same. Good luck.