Picture of my Pom Pom crab


New member
Anyone who has had one of these knows how hard it is to get them to pose.

Those are little sea anemone's, this little guy actually came as a hitchiker, when I first saw him he only had one small sea anemone about a week later he had two, he had split it, they were really tiny, so its been enjoyable to see him do well and the sea anemone's as well, they have grown alot. He is mainly a nocturnal animal only become active when the lights go off, I have moonlights on my tank thank goodness or I would probably never see him.

p.s. The kids and I call him Rah Rah!:rollface:
woaw, that's a very good shot, Broog! and I love the name too!
You are very lucky to have had yours coming with the rocks! I have 3, but I had to buy them. Actually, i bought one, and as I was seing him about once every 10 days, I added 2 others to have the chance to see them more! And now, I see them everyday, and two are a couple now. I observed one of them carrying eggs, a beautiful neon orange belly, but didn"t have the opportunity to catch this on photo, the crab was too hidden for this... Few days ago, I was lucky enough to catch another of these guys changing skin, he was just on top of its old skin, I managed to get a shot, I'm quite happy with this opportunity!
I hope mine will have beautiful big anemones as yours soon... Do you feed him with something special, or is he just catching what you give to the other inhabitants of the tank?
Very nice shot! A little blown-out on the crab but overall a nice capture especially considering how these guys usually like to hide.
Very well done!! I have two and have been trying for many months..and havent come close to getting a snap. The one day they were out on top of a rock sparring with each other. I ran to get the camera and the battery was dead. Now I only glimse them occasionally What size tank do you have them in?