Pictures from MACNA XVIII

they have the raffel sunday i hope one of you come home with something nice, maybe that jelly fish tank
Richard its a good thing you are wearing shorts with all those pockets so you can fit enough stuff in them to share with all of us poor folk that didnt get to go. The pics are great. Thanks Brandon
Richard if they have any nice Florida rics that I wouldnt have to fight Lisa over I would be glad to get a couple of them and make it fair to you when you get back. Thanks Brandon
Wow, Richard.

Seems you're the star reporter for all of Reef Central at MACNA this year. There are at least 2 links to this thread from the general forums and you've got over 860 views here.

Okay West Tennessee reefers .... we'd better behave for a little while since we've got RC'ers from all over checking into our forum right now.

Maybe they'll like Dave's tank sitting tips.

Hey everyone. I drove in straight from Houston last night. 11 hours straight. I left at about 6PM and got in at 5AM this morning. This being my first MACNA I absolutely had a great time. Driving sucks a bit but I got all my orals home and the floated till now. I'm acclimating and dipping. Well, I was the big winner of the raffel for our club. I won an Blue maxima, an Eric Borneman frag pack (5 pieces) and the piece de resistance... a pair of ORA Picasso Clowns. The pair that they were gonna give me were dead-ish so the Sales manager Vince Rado graceously offered to send me a pair once he got back home. Thank you very much Vince, i'm on pins and needles for your e-mail!
I also got some samples from Blue Life (a company based in LA) for Phosphate remover and Aptasia control (it also works on Majano for a complete kill). Being a medical technologis with an extensive background in organic chemistry I spent probably an hour talking to them and I'm really interested in their product line. Its not out in full circulation but I'm really looking forward to what they have to offer! All of the vendors were really pleasant and many made donations (and more plan on making some) to our St Jude Project! I'll post more later on that!
Excellent shots Richard! Thanks for sharing and for getting a couple with us HVRK guys in there! =) I remember when you took that pic by the Deltec booth and thinking "we were in that guy's shot". LOL.
Rich, here was our synopsis of getting the corals on the airline-- Overall a good experience:

We had to check the corals since they were in liquid. The ticket counter person asked us what was perishable in our boxes. She didn't blink an eye when we told her it was corals and she then proceeded to put extra tape on the boxes for us!.:rollface: Our luggage was too heavy to fit the styrofoam coral boxes, so the boxes went as a separate piece of luggage. We did have a some leakage which I believe was caused by the pressure changes and not by rough handling. The bags containing the corals were pretty taut so when the pressure changed I think it caused some of the bags to 'pop' and get holes in them, however each baggy still contained at least a little water. I'm not sure how to avoid this--thicker bags maybe. Regardless of this, the corals made it home safely and are doing great in our tanks