Pictures of Aquarium Stands and Cannopies for a 180 gal., please!!


New member
Hi guys,

Well I am planning and building everything of my new 180 gal. reef aquarium and want to know if you can help me with some picture, websites, links to give me an idea how the carpenter can do my stand and my cannopy for my aquarium. :D

I want it modernist both, maybe minimalist or something like that. :)

This will be the size of the Aquarium

71" Large x 27.5 Wide x 20 High

All the cannopy and the stand will be of wood.

Every idea I will appreciate it very much my friends. :rollface:


Click my little red house, mine is 40" tall and 32" wide that's a 210 so it should be the same as a 180 unless it's a custom
almost a 180....sorry i dont have a pic of the canopy.

the stand is 40"
here ya go i didnt build it but good luck i believe ite its 2x4's and 3/4 inch paper press board


yes that is a 180 ... 72" 24" 24"
best stands I ever saw were from not sure if they are still in business

OR I really like the look of the all glass aquarium MODERN SERIES ....and they have just came out w/ an ornate design thats really nice but $1000 plus for just a 75g

Do a search for stands on ebay ---this guy from texas makes really nice stands/canopies shipped to your house for $500 180g
JT from KC thats where Ill prob go when the time is right
Thank you a lot guys!!!

Very nice stands and canopies, really thank you very much.

I found this and liked a lot.


Picture property of Ridgeline

What do you think ?

Also no problem is you put me pictures of stands and canopies with a different size, because withou a problem I can use that design and fit it in the size that I need it. :cool:


Those are Lumenac III. I have 3 of them also on my 180 and would highly recommend them. I have an open top. I'll see if I can scrounge up some photos.