Pink birds nest. Getting white at bottom / base


New member
Everything else in tank is thriving!!! What's up with birds nest?

I keep reading contradictory tank settings for them. High vs low flow, high vs low light.

Please help!!!



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Pink birds nest. Getting white at bottom / base

If you're losing a birdsnest you have a chemistry issue. They will thrive in pretty much any light and flow conditions.
Leave some colored tissue behind to make sure that there is no dead. If this happened really fast, then folks call this RTN - rapid tissue necrosis. Slower is STN.

If your tank is established and this frag was from a good source, then I would look for possible causes. Sure, frags die and people should not worry, but birdsnest are like dandelions and they at least call for a parameter check when they die.

If the newly cut frags live, just put them wherever you want - they are not picky and have hard requirements IME.
Tissue necrosis is likely due to shipping stress and chemistry changes from wholesaler to retailer to hobbyist.

Frag it and let it acclimate.