Pink hitchhiker


New member
I added a couple pieces of live rock a couple of months ago. Over the last month I have had this pink growth appear on my live rock. My wife loves it, but I want to know what it is and if it should be removed. Anyone have any idea on what this is?
What was the origin of the rock? Carib or Fiji? Do you know if it was deepwater? What lights are on it and how deep in tank it is?
I am not sure where the rock is from. The tank is a 40 gallon breeder. the rock with this stuff on it is about 8 to 10 inches from the suface. I am running a 250 watt de for lights.

It's in the order Gigartinales. However that is a rather large order of red algae's with many look alike's. Some species even several growth forms dependant on environmental conditions. The forking at the end of the tips is reminiscent of the genus Gracilaria, but is not the only possibility. Either it looks good and should not be detrimental to your tank :)
Thanks, I had never seen anything like it before, so I wanted to make sure that it was not something problematic.
