Pink triggers


New member
i was looking at pink tail triggers and really like them. i had afew questions about them though. how hardy are they? how big do they get? how hard are they to find how aggresive are they? how expensive are they? how would they do with a radiata lionfish? any adishonal information will be very helpful.

The Pinktail gets around 12 inches, they are considered Medium Aggressives, I have seen them here & there at my LFS. I have my Pinktail in with Lions But each one is different so it can be hit & miss with this fish & lion's plus they are in a 300g.

I have not had any problems with my Pinktail & aggression but have seen others that have. This is a fast swimming fish that likes food, I feed a variety of meaty foods along with greens daily to my trigger.

If this is for your 90g, IMO I would not do it................