Pistol Shrimp


New member
My son was wanting to get one of these, but I saw a video on youtube that showed a pistol shrimp stunning a skunk cleaner shrimp. We had planned on getting a skunk cleaner, but it looks like we will have to choose between them. What all will the pistols attack?
If you guys aren't having any problems then we may try a pistol /goby pair with a cleaner shrimp when we get the 28 gallon setup and ready.
If we add a pair of clowns, would that pretty much put us at fully stocked other than a cleanup crew and corals?
You will love your pistol/goby pair. I have a Tiger Pistol named Bulldozer and a Blue Spotted Watchman Goby named Mugs. They paired up immediately and are lots of fun to watch. Your kids will have lots of fun watching them. Be prepared, though, for that pistol to move lots of sand. Mine also grabs snails and hermits and drags them in his hole and they crawl out and he catches them again. This can go on for hours.