Placement of crocea clam?


New member
Where do crocea clams like to be placed in a tank? I have both of mine set on the bottom substrate on top of a piece of LR each. Is this okay or should I move them? Both appear to be happy where they are.

Also how long does it take a clam to attach itself to a rock? I think the name of it's 'leg' is called a bypass ???

It really depends what sort of lighting you have and how deep the tank is. A crocea should be fine on the bottom if the lighting is strong (ie. 250W+ MH) AND the tank is shallow (ie 20" or less).
Both maximas and croceas live in high light environments and I was fortunate enough to visit the site of an old clam aquaculture research area on the GBR a couple of weeks ago and not a single crocea was in less than about 3m deep in the water column in the northern GBR so light was very high compared to some of the T. gigas and H. hippoppus which were in somewhat deeper water.