Placing frozen food order on Monday so please confirm!!!

jarrett shark

New member
Sorry i did place order last week due to me going on vacation...
So here is the people i have and let me know who to add to.
Pick up and Pay at the meeting this saturday!!!!
If you don't want please pm me so i dont hate you for buying it,LOL
Prices are subject to be cheaper the more we buy but i will show the most you will pay. Most likely the shipping will be free and mysis will be cheaper

cyclopeeze $39.95
4oz of 90% hatch altemic cysts $14.00

cyclopeeze $39.95
Mysis $30.25

Krill $30.25
mysis $30.25 (split with Stann)

Krill $30.25
mysis $30.25

mysis $30.25 (split with Aagresti)

mysis $30.25 (split with Big La)
are you chopping up mysis upon you receiving or u waiting till meet? if u chopping up upon receiving--please chop my half in half.
I'm still in.
You should know that the Mysis will come frozen in dry ice, and that cutting that in half will take more than just a sharp knife, you're going to need a band saw unless you let it thaw some first..
not sure what i should do about chopping? maybe that saturday before the meeting i will deforst early and let you guys to chop at the meeting
That's probably your best bet, Jarrett. Just don't thaw more than necessary. The guy at Jehmco once told me that each thaw/freeze cycle does damage to the individual cells of the little critters.
Frozen Reef Plankton and Frozen Mysis Shrimp... I need both are you getting both... And are they going to be in the little packages or it is a BIG brick....

If it is a BIG brick how do i keep it fresh.. cause im use to the lil cube's
I've never bought the plankton, but the Mysis comes in a 5lb block. I go through it fast enough that it usually doesn't get a chance to get freezer burned. I cut it up into small "chunks" and store them in Ziploc bags.
I've never bought the plankton, but the Mysis comes in a 5lb block. I go through it fast enough that it usually doesn't get a chance to get freezer burned. I cut it up into small "chunks" and store them in Ziploc bags.

ight man sounds cool... How we cutting it with a band saw....I have a chanesaw if you guys need one.... lol :eek2:
order is in and should have tomorrow or wednesday if anyone wants early
All mysis we got for around $22 each!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
all other stuff I could not get discount since we only got 1-2 of
Shipping cost i figure will be about $2 each iteam you ordered
I'll probably stop in tomorrow for it, if that's okay.