please help having serious trouble connecting profilux to pc

mr murphy

New member
i have managed to make a rs232 connection to profilux. i want to control using usb cable provided so i can programme ai lights at the same time. i cannot make connection. i have tried removing driver and installing again and restarting computer and also makin sure the com ports are the same. i have had no luck. . some 1 please help. i have seen similar stories but it seems when they have worked the problem out they run off with the money and dont share how they did it. some 1 help me im feeling like gettin profilux was a big mistake
You don't need the AI lights plugged into the unit while you program it. Go to special lamp and check the AI model you have. Then go into the program and set it up.
Be sure you SAVE before attempting any controls. And be sure you de activate moon phase on PLC.

Always at sea;
i hear that but the problem is, even when i disconnect the rs232 converter to the pc to connect my lighting, profilux is then disconected from pc. so the programme is closed. will the settings that are saved onto the profilux then control the lighting unit? and how do i know which lighting unit i have. i have sol blue is this old or new unit? and is it 2 or 3 channels.

another mayjor problem to me is i want to connect profilux to pc using usb so then i can stil have lights connected to profilux and profilux to pc. then i can conduct tests etc. theres only 1 rs232 port and i can only seem to connect thru rs232. i wouldnt no what the lights are running at as i dont have ai controller to tell me the intensitys
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Try another USD converter as some don't work well with the profilux, had the same issue, when i got a new converter it was 100%
wats a usd converter. u mean usb. ive realised that on the coms ports on deviice manager when i connect wit rs232 wire it connects to prolific usb to serial com port 4. and when i connect profilux to pc using usb wire provided with profilux it connects to usb serial port com 5. even when i make a new connection matching com 5 it does not connect and says error code 28. im using windows 7
You do not need the Ai connected to the controller when programming.

Programm the controller press save, diconnect from controller and plug in Ai's

AI has no memory you are not transferring any held data to the lights it all comes from the onboard memory of the GHL
ok so does that mean i will never get to control profilux through usb. and if i programme first then connect ai how will i know if there burning at the right intensitys as alot of people have problems with this and iv seen in another thread u mentioning manually controlling lights whilst profilux and pc are connected to lights. u mentioned sliding the control up and down to see if light responds. if i cannot connect through usb this means i will lose out on this feature. i should of just bought ai lighting and controller. this profilux is way too complicated and is starting to feel like alot of money down the drain!
I am sorry I have no clue where this is going.

Of course you can control your profilux through USB providing you have a USB installed port or a USB adapter.

There is absolute no reason to operate the AI's manually, this will have no effect on burn in period, the feature is there as a fun factor more than anything. To set up any LED properly you set your desired intensity to 50% of what you wish to end with and then increase gradually once a week.

If you wish to check functionality manually then I would get PLM-USB upgrade or take the opportunity right now while you can to upgrade to P3, but of course thats a more expensive route if all you want is control of your Ai while connected.

You can also add a second RS232 port PLM-RS232
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everyone iv just spotted something on another thread seems he achieved. can i use a cable to connect profilux to modem then connect wirelessly to pc instead of error 28 usb connection??? he had a netgear i think its a modem. if not what will i need
I am sorry I have no clue where this is going.

Of course you can control your profilux through USB providing you have a USB installed port or a USB adapter.

There is absolute no reason to operate the AI's manually that will have no effect on burn in period, the feature is there as a fun factor more than anything. To set up any LED properly you set your deired intensity to 50% of what you wish to end with and then increase gradually once a week.

If you wish to check functionality manually then I would get PLM-USB upgrade or take the opportunity right now while you can to upgrade to P3, but of course thats a more expensive route if all you want is control of your Ai while connected.

sorry think ur missing my point. i have p3 ex controller and aqua illuminations lighting. i can only connect p3 to pc using rs232 cable. as theres only 1 port i cant have my lights connected at the same time. ino what ur sayin when u say its not necessary t connect light to profilux at the same time as the pc is, but ur doing it and many others are so why cant i? iv spent all this money so obviousli theres a problem. and alot of others have the same problem connecting through ports i jus want help getting around the problem. why put a usb port on the unit if it doesnt work???
You should be able to connect via USB built in port or the ethernet built in port, then there should be no issue leaving the RS232 port open for the AI.

The P3 has 4 connection options

Wireless via bridge through the ethernet port
You can then add a further RS232 port if you ever wished to bringing connection options to 5

if you do not wish to connect over USB then connect over LAN, its plug and play pretty much. Just plug into into your router and go into the connection tab and search connection.

If you wish to connect over USB and have a connection issue then you have to go to the support forum and get technical assistance.
and as for the burning in, i didnt mean what u menat but is it important to burn the ligth n for a week. should i start on 50 percent monday then go upto hundred by a week time. and when i choose special lamp it asks me if im using 3 channel or 2. and if its older la,p or new. i have sol blue. which setting should i choose
ok no problem im gnna go wireless instead. still not had response to tell me what id need if u could help? and if u could anser my question below about new ai lighting.

and as for the burning in, i didnt mean what u meant but is it important to burn the ligth n for a week. should i start on 50 percent monday then go upto hundred by a week time. and when i choose special lamp it asks me if im using 3 channel or 2. and if its older la,p or new. i have sol blue. which setting should i choose .
You have 3 channel new type if you have SOL blue

I would do 5% increment every 2 day until you reach your desired point, and this by no means should be 100% you will likely bleach out your corals, I would not go much more than 80% blue and 60% white. But each tank is different that is a loose guide from my own personal experience.
okm thank u. i dont have tank running yet just gettin equiptment set up. i have the wireless connection trough the tcp/ ip is this correct. i also have the aqua illuminations connected to rs232 portr. i am on the light scenario page and am trying to control the ai but nothings happening to the lights, i have tiked the activate manually box
hahaha big ive managed to do it its becos i had it on 2 channel. can u post me a link on how to set up a scedual please. my tank build thread will be coming soon people. iv done alot of work