Please help! Mushroom parasite?


New member
My mushrooms have what looks like tiny white worms or maybe maybe egg clusters on them.
They are about as thick as a hair, curly and white.

They have appeared over the past couple of days.

They don't seem to move at all which is why I thought maybe eggs...

The mushrooms themselves are all shriveled up they don't look happy...
The only camera I gave at the mo is my phone so here are 2 crappy pics to check out...


Will a fresh water dip do any harm?

Thanks for any help, Rich.
sorry just to add...
The mushrooms are solid purple. All of the white things you see have appeared over the past couple of days.

Cheers, Rich
kind of hard to tell because the pictures are blurry
If the white things you're talking about are white squiggly looking strands, than they are mesenterial filaments...essentially the stomach of the mushroom polyp. They expel them when they are under stress or after a traumatic event.
They are squigly white things. Some of them have retracted/fallen off. But they still look awful...
The only thing wrong with my params was about 0.5ppm Po4 which is now down to undetectable levels after I added a Po4 reactor...

This dropped real quick could this have been the cause?

None of my other coral seem stressed, which includes two other groups of morphs, bubble coral, blasto, frogspawn, Goni, zoas...

Got me stumped...

Thanks for any help though, Rich.
The fast drop in Po4 is not good, you are supposed to start slow and not add but maybe a quarter of the recomended ammount of media, working your way up to the full ammount. If you did not rinse the media well that could also be the cause of this. the dust can get on the corals and irratate them. I dont think a dip is in order they are already severly stressed.