Please help Tube worm killing my ricordia


New member
This has been happening for 4 days now. the first three days I woke up and found a tube worm totally crowding my green ric.

I took a toothpick and tore away its tube. well the ric is looking worse now. And today it seems like the tube has actually eatten a part of it, or.... somthings going on. I dident move the tube today.

Any advice would be much appreciated



My Ric's have looked like that when they are splitting. The rest of the ric looks healthy. As far as I know tube worms don't eat them. Just keep an eye on it, I think it is splitting.
it would be splitting from stress then. it wasent at all until the worm started hassling it. theres actually a section missing.
That ricordia is not splitting it is being eaten. When the light go out tonight break out the flash light about an hour after you have a worm in your tank & it's not the tube worm. I have had this happen to me before & had to break down the tank to get the worm out that was living under the sand bed.
what other worms make these tubes??? I know where the worm is at. its a small rock. Its been there since i started the tank. usually makes tubes on its own rock. should i kill the rock? (boil it or toss it?
I just moved the rock, and the tube went from its own rock, under the sand to the ric rock.
no, never saw a duster. Ive had it 10 months. its always been a very active worm. its connected tubes near a bunch of button polyps b4 but never harmed them like this.

Ive already removed the rock its in. but dont want to kill it unless I need to. it seems strange to me that after all this time its killing

the ric was definatly healthy as it could be before the worm attack
(sounds weird) lol
oh. when i first got the worm rock, it had a clear jelly like substance all over it. it turned into a weird brown with cracks all thru it eventually. I was just looking at the rock and there is clear goo all thru the bottom of the rock. (hoping it helps with identity.)

I often spy on my tank and have never seen it show itself tho.
no more watching it kill my ric. Ive removed it. but im more courious than ever to know what the hecks been lurking in my tank this whole time
? ive never SEEN the worm. you mean after i boil the rock?

will fresh water drive it out?

Im going to play with it now.... feel bad killing it. I dont understand why its being evil now after all this time.

Ill take a few pics of the cool clear goo on the underside before the dip.
You don't need to boil the rock. You can fresh water dip it or just leave it in the open air the worm will crawl out.
Its in fresh water right now.. bunch of pods flew out.....

No worm. couple more minutes Ill try open air
there must be some worm in my tank making long mucousy tubes all over the rocks. it has never bothered anything except twice it has eaten most of a gorgonian. but at least it has grown back both times. i just siphon out the tube if i find it near the gorgonian. no chance of catching it cause i'm not tearing apart my tank unless i'm upgrading. any ideas as to what it could be.
nope. I started multiple threads and got no answers

the worm rock was close to the rocordia it was eating, so i took out the rock, threw it in the trash, and there was no tubes this morning.

I suppose if theres a rock the tubes all come out of, then id assume thats the rock you need to dip or toss...

never even heard of a flesh eatting worm like this. sux! I always liked the neat tubes. but wont lose another coral to it.
i think it might be a bristol worm, from what a LFS employee (friend) told me someone cought a worm about 6ft long and it ate a **** load of rics that had grown over a period of years.