The story of the 6' long worm is on RC somewhere. It was a carnivorous worm that finally got big enough that it needed to start eating things (corals, fish, snails, crabs)
When things get hungry enough, they'll eat what they need to survive.
Your Ric is a Florida. Aside from the damage it looks healthy. Clearly something was eating it. The damage was roughly similar in size and shape to the tubes as well. Similar outline. There is no worry that your perp was a Feather Duster. I wouldn't harm any Feathers in your tank. They cannot anatomically cause the trouble to anything like the damage you see on your Ric. They are filter feeders and as such can only eat the tiny sized life they can catch in their fans. That tubework doesn't look right. Despite the chunk missing your Ric looks very healthy. Floridas are very hardy and it will quickly heal and eventually fill in the gap thats missing. I hope you eliminated your perp. You have some nice Floridas.
tallinu.. thanks I did eliminate the worm by tossing the rock. no damnmage since then. and it seems the ricordia is connecting itself together. kinda neat really. glad its ok
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