Please help with Calc Reactor


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Calc Reactor ??????
I just tested my tank and my PH with light on was 8.05 my calc is now down to 320 and my Alk was 206 Meq/L. I have a heavy SPS tank.

First Question is will the Cal. Reactor raise both cal. and alk at the same time? If so what setting should I have on my reactor to raise the to the levels I need.

Second question what is the lowest I should expect my PH to go at night?
I am not sure that Ca Reactors are great at increasing levels, more like maintaining them. I would use a product like Turbo Calc to raise the levels and let the reactor keep them there. I don't know what your alk converts to in dKH. Did you miss a decimal somewhere? If you do raise levels with supplements do so slowly. Here is a link to a calculator for determining the right amount. As for your second question, your pH may drop 0.2 to 0.3 if you do not drip kalk or run a refugium on reverse lighting. HTH
A calcium reactor is not geared to increase deficient ca levels it is supposed to maintain levels. Just that simple.

You can add baking soda or ca chloride to increase.

But a nice water change monthly is really nice to keep your tank balanced. 25%
The reactor adds Calcium and Alkalinity in a balanced way, this is it will add 20 ppm of Calcium per 1 meq/lt of alkalinity.
Because it takes time to adjust it is preferibly to adjust it until the Alkalinity in your tank remains constant, once this is achieved then you adjust the parameter levels by one time addition of supplements for Calcium and Alkalinity. My preferred are Calcium Chloride Anhydrous (Turbocalcium) and Baking Soda.
By adjusting the reactor effluent flow and PH you can control how much alkalinity and Calcium is added to the tank.
While adjusting the reactor this information might help:

For the use of Calcium, Alkalinity and Magnesium dupplements here is an updated version of the calculator:
