please help with die off


New member
im losing my colony of purple mushrooms, they are just melting away one by hairy mushroom split, but then melted away, then my gold mushrooms melted away, now my beautiful purples, i dont know what to do....everything else in the tank is fine, no ammonia in the tank, each mushroom that dies has been taken out....i have done three water changes in three days...i am at a loss.

this is what it looked like
What other corals you have in the same tank that are doing well ? Mushrooms are very hard to kill and they should be the last coral to die imo. Anyway i would move them to a separate container/tank with ~80% new saltwater with low light and low flow for now to see if the melting stops.
its all stopped now, i lost 80% of this colony, 100% of a very expensive gold shroom colny, and one hairy mushroom. other corals that did not show any signs of stress are: large colony of bullseye shrooms, two green shrooms, ricordia (florida, and yuma) zoos. my clam was fine, and my brittlestar. my frogspawn did not open fully, but i think it has developed a second mouth on one head, and its not openning may have had to do with that. i have a few of my blue mushrooms left, they seem to be ok now....who knows...
Well good news that you stopped it, sorry you lost so much, but at least you have a point to build from again.
I don't altogether know how to advise here: I run sps and lps, and a few mushrooms: 'shrooms are my distant-early-warning system for conditions like falling alkalinity or the like. These are my tank parameters: if you can duplicate them I at least feel you won't have a recurrance. First, I have a skimmer, an Urchin. I run: Alkalinity 8 to 10, calcium 400-450, magnesium 3 times the calcium reading. Temperature 79. Salinity 1.024, and I feed very sparingly: my corals only get what the fish excrete.. I use Salifert test kits and Kent buffer and calcium and mg. And I do a 10% water change each week. That may be overkill for your situation, but it ought at least to keep your good specimens healthy.
i just had the same exact problem. did u figure out what caused it? i need to figure it out fast, before they all die
still dont know, all i know is that the shrooms left on te rock seem to be fine, i did three water changes, over a course of three days, it didnt seem to make any difference, nothing newwas added to the tank. no temp fluctuations, and EVERYTHING else was fine in the tank, which is strange because starfish are very sensitive to changes, and my brittle star was fine.....