PLEASE READ !!!!!! and respond.


2003 TOTM Recipient
Premium Member
Hello fellow reefers, I have a few concerns and recommendations that I am going to pass on to the staff here at RC. I ask that you would take just a few moments to think about this before responding. It is not a direct or indirect reflection upon anyone. It's just a concern and a few ideas that I have had for some time now.

I'll be very blunt, I love zoos, looking at zoos, talking about zoos, discussing zoos, helping others with their zoos, researching zoos, sharing info about zoos and learning more about zoos. My concern of late is the lack of discussion in this forum regard them. Posting pics, finding names and talking about dips and nudibranchs is fine. But there are tons of topics as it relates to zoos that we have yet to expound upon. Please, don't think this is a slap to anyone personally, it's just a concern of mine and many others. We have the largest zooanthid related forum that I have seen. There are many many knowledgeable and very experienced zoo keepers right here in this forum. That is a wealth of information, an untapped resource that must be shared. That is what I think reefing is all about. That said, what do you think about a question of the week that we can all comment on and discuss for the week. What if someone posted a very deserving topic on Sunday afternoon/evening? If so, I have a list of topics, but I'd rather hear from you guys/gals with your questions, ideas, concerns and discussions. I think it would be fun.

I have also approached RC about something very big for this forum in the upcoming months. It would be the first of its kind online. With your feedback, it could very well happen, sooner, than later.

I would love to hear from all of you. Much respect to my all fellow Zoo Keeprs.

Warm regards, Mucho
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I think it would be awsome to have a topic of the week/ question of the week type thing. Can't wait to hear about your other "first of it's kind" idea too. Sounds exciting.... :D
I think this would be great in every special interest group! the only concern I would have is the debates that these discussions can cause and how heated they get sometimes! beyond that I think this is an outstanding idea to keep the forums interesting and educational!
tigerarmy40, I have faith in the mods that they won't allow a heated exchange to flare up.

Sounds like a great Idea Mucho....I think we as adults also have some resposibility to keep it on the level and not make any personal attacks at those we do not agree with, and then the final enforcer be the Mods....I can't wait to see what else you got for us.
I agree 200% Azurel. This is why I have a special admiration for some of our members. For example, Whodah and I disagreed a few weeks ago on a topic and we never had a single harsh word. We discussed and debated like men and agree to disagree. I think we even came to an agreement on something as I recall. I think that is the mature way to handle differences of opinion.

One of the things I'm most curious about is the methodlogy for classifying zoanthus species, along the lines of what Eric Bornemann wrote in "Aquarium Corals." How many tentacles on which species?


I'm excited to hear more of what people have to say.
I am in for a topic of the week idea. I might not have that much knowlodge about the different classifications of the zoanthus species but am willing to put all information that i have towards whatever topic being discussed. BTW great idea about having a topic of the week. Ben
I am all for it and would love to see this happen as there are many unanswered questions when it comes to zoas. where they come from and what causes loss and growth and all these things that are largely unanswered!!!! bring it on
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6671950#post6671950 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MUCHO REEF
For example, Whodah and I disagreed a few weeks ago on a topic and we never had a single harsh word. ... I think we even came to an agreement on something as I recall.


count me in!
Sounds good, whose starting the one for this week? Anyone want to just make up a thread and call it topic of the week? After all it is Sunday afternoon like you proposed.
I agree, I'd rather learn something, like how to faster grow zoo's ;), than see threads asking what name a certain zoo is. I look forward to upcoming changes that will increase my zoo knowledge:thumbsup:
Sounds great. The reason this forum has become all about pics is because Zoos are just so damn hardy. It's not like sps where there are a ton of things that can go wrong. Onc e in a while some zoos don't open. It would defenitley be great to have topics of the week.
I whole heartedly agree with Mucho.
As a matter of fact, when I had the great "mistery desease" a few weeks ago, that wiped out over 50 zoa colonies in my 180g in 2 days, NOBODY, except Mucho even commented....
Do you know what it feels like when your prized possessions wither away in less than 48 hours? And you have nobody to turn to for answers but RC? And get no answers or even a word of sympathy? could happen to YOU too!
Thank you to all who have responded.

I would love to hear from a few more reefers though. I already have the go-ahead from the staff for the "Topic of the Week" for this forum. I'm still working on the "big thing", more will be forthcoming. Sunday sounds like a good day to start, so if we all agree, lets do it. Since it's late Sunday evening, if anyone has a "Topic of the Week" they would like to post, go right ahead. Just type "Topic of the Week 2/5/06" so everyone will know what it is. Lets make it very interesting and respectful. I can tell you right now, if it gets overly heated, disrespectful and out of hand, the mods will put a quick and very swift end to it.

Speckled Grouper, I can only imagine the anguish you felt with the lost of your zoos. I would be sick to my stomach. Big hug from Mucho.

Sounds like a good chance to learn. This has become a showoff forum lately (I always like nice eye candy :) ). Sign me up!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6674853#post6674853 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Speckled Grouper
I whole heartedly agree with Mucho.
As a matter of fact, when I had the great "mistery desease" a few weeks ago, that wiped out over 50 zoa colonies in my 180g in 2 days, NOBODY, except Mucho even commented....
Do you know what it feels like when your prized possessions wither away in less than 48 hours? And you have nobody to turn to for answers but RC? And get no answers or even a word of sympathy? could happen to YOU too!

man do i know what this feels like. i shut down a very well established all zoa 60 gal. for the simple fact that no matter how well i took care of the matter how perfect the parameters were i still lost prized zoas.

i have a topic idea. my wife is addicted to zoas so i still have them around...what we have found is that if a colony gets detrirus building up on the mat the zoa succumbs to an early death. so how about a talk on water flow? how much flow? is there such a thing as to much flow? i think no.... the more the better. i also along with my wife use a turkey baster to clear out detritus at least twice a week.
though i'm a "casual hobbyist" (if there is one in this hobby), zoas are my primary focus in reefkeeping. i think it's a great idea
I would definitely appreciate a venue where we can learn from one another and share our successes and such. Not only do I come here to turn green with envy as I look at all the fantastic pictures, I also try to learn a thing or two.

Sidenote: Speckled Grouper! I am so sorry! I'm going to go hug my zoos now!

I like the topic of the week idea and in some ways it happens here from time to time. I'm not sure about anyone else but it may be a good idea to make the first "Topic of the Week" thread about topics you have questions about or want to discuss.

I'll start it off with a "Topic of the Week" input bank, if you don't mind! Then next week we can pick from the list and have more for the future.