Plumbing design help


New member
I bought a new ecotech Vectra yesterday and plan on replumbing my tank Friday. I am terrible at plumbing and could use some help with the design if anyone has any suggestions or ideas.

I'm currently running a ghost overflow bean animal style as my drain. My return I would like to run two over the tank returns and a manifold for 3 outputs if possible.

Here is my current setup, I gotta get it cleaned up. I'm wanting the manifold for possible uv, biopellets, gfo...etc.

Also if any of the stuff I might need that you can't buy local, like gate valves and whatnot, I'd need to get the order in soon to have it by Thursday.
here is my old set up, starting w return on far rt, has union, just above pump outlet, then runs thru the 3 valves to another valve used to stop flow from going to tank during water changes then to another union, so whole setup is removeable or you can just take pump out to clean.

Just remember with every fitting, valve, tee, elbow, etc. creates friction loss and inefficiency. So make sure your pump can handle those losses. Personally I like two pumps. My return and then manifold equipment pump. This way when it comes time to service all of the ancilary equipment you're running you don't have to shut down your tank or mess with valves after originally getting them dialed in.

Just something to consider being that it appears you will now have two pumps with the new addition. Of course with that also comes added electricity consumption and heat.
I'm actually going to be just running 1 pump. The ecotech Vectra m1. 2k gallons an hour so on my 57 I should be set. From my understanding you can calibrate it for a max flow of whatever you want under the max.