
I believe pocci's like quite vigorous currents and moderate-strong lighting. Mine pretty much stayed brown under power compacts but turned bright pink when exposed to halides. He is about half way up in my 55 gallon reef tank under 2x250 metal halides( 20k) with 2x110 VHO actinics. I have found them to be pretty resilient.
well, i got the pocillopora today. here's a pic of it taken while it was acclimating.

my first SPS was a porcia, but now I'm fully converted to the dark side..... I keep thinking to myself what have I gotten myself into......why do I keep buying more......... OOOOH its just so pretty..... My wife is going to leave me, if I buy another coral........ Well the wife is gone but I still got my coral.

Take it for the rest of us. Its worst than drugs. Be ready for the addiction to start.
here's a newer pic of the poci. do anyone know what type of poci exactly this one is? i've seen a different type at a lfs that i want to get; it looks a little "fuzzier" than the one i've currently got.
