Pods Alive?



How can I tell if the pods that I ordered arrived alive?

I can see the Zoo2 Pseudocyclops swimming around in their container.

However, when I shine a flashlight under both my Zoo2 Tisbe biminiensis and DT's Live Marine Copepods, I don't see a single thing moving.

I see what appears to be small flecks, but I have been looking at them for quite some time without seeing any of the small flecks move.

Hi Steve,

They are very small, however they should be just fine. The small flecks are up in the water column, correct?
Hey Jeremy,

Unfortunately, they are not. They are laying on the bottom of the jar, not moving in both the Zoo2 Tisbe biminiensis and DT's Live Marine Copepods.
I wanted to thank Jeremy and Luke at Premium Aquatics for coming through for me. They replaced my dead pods and even worked around my schedule.

Thank you for being a great company!